Saturday 31 January 2015

Filipino Salesgirl

Filipino salesgirl, Fernvale Mall - pain at left shoulder. WOK.

Walking Past Two Indians

This is interesting...

Was heading home after Worship Night. While walking in the streets, I saw two Indian men (Singaporeans) sitting on the public bench. The Holy Spirit spoke to me, "One of them has problem with his left arm."

I turned back and walked towards them. "Does one of you have problem with your left arm?"

Both of them shook their heads. I persisted and asked. The older guy responded, "I have pain at my right thigh."

Prayed for him twice and he felt slightly better.

Then the younger guy said, "Actually, I have pain at my left arm. But how did you know?"

Grabbed the opportunity to share with them about Jesus. This guy was pretty surprised. Prayed for him and the pain totally left him. He was in a state of shock.

The older guy asked, "How come my pain is not totally gone?" Prayed for him and he felt better. I said that it would heal.

The younger one asked me, "I haven't been able to sleep well for quite some time. Every night, my mind would be active." Wow! Both of them are Hindus, yet they are so open to Jesus because they encountered Him.

I gave him a word of knowledge. "You feel easily angered with issues, don't you?" He nodded. Released peace and rest upon him so that he could sleep well.

Both of them thanked me.

I found out that the older Indian guy is the brother of our church's caretaker. It's a small world. Invited them to our church service. Prayerfully, they will come.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Uncle Outside Convenience Store

All through WOK.

1) Driver with pain at right ankle. Prayed and left. Didn't get to check.

2) Uncle outside convenience store, TPY coffeeshop. WOK - pain at his right knee. He received healing. He was promoting and selling a machine that can detect various problems with your body. I told him that his right knee has problem. I said, "Jesus told me."

Jesus can detect body problems too.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Drivers - Visitation of members

1) Uncle with pain at the back of his neck healed

2) Uncle with right shoulder problem for two months completely healed. He was totally surprised when I touched his right shoulder and asked, "You have pain here?"

All through WOK.

Three Encounters

Yesterday, three people encountered Jesus.

1) Uncle at Compass Point - Back problem

2) BK cashier at Compass Point - Right shoulder

3) Waiter at Indo Box, Ion - Right knee

All through WOK.

Saturday 24 January 2015


Had a few encounters today. All were through WOK.

1) Guy with right shoulder injury, TPMC - he received partial healing.

2) Uncle with right side of neck. TPY Central - completely healed while playing chess.

3) Uncle with left knee pain due to fall, TPY Central - left little pain.

4) Driver with left knee injury since 40 over years ago - felt better

5) Cashier with neck problem, Punggol NTUC - didn't get to pray for her as customers were waiting

Thursday 22 January 2015

Word For 2015

God gave me a Word for 2015.

2 Timothy 1:6 - ...I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is within you...

I know God is speaking to my heart concerning healing. I used to pray for every sick person I saw in the streets, even if it was someone without limbs. Nowadays, I still pray for people in the streets but I'm not as focused as I was.

This is the year to press on in this area. Here I come, Lord!

Compass Point

Went Compass Point for brekkie after sending Jeshua. 

Walked past a China cleaner and had a WOK concerning her right shoulder. I turned back to ask her. She asked me how I knew but rejected my offer to help her get well.

In the train, I spoke to three men from Blangadesh. Had a wrong WOK but one of them said that he had pain at his lower back. Prayed and the pain left him.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Back From Singapore Casket

After visiting a worshiper's wake, we took a cab back to office. 

Received a WOK for the driver - back of left ankle and left knee. He confirmed it. Prayed and he said, "Thank you. It's so much better!"

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Students' Visit To TPMC

Two groups of students from Temesek Secondary School came to visit our church at two different time slots today.

I was excited to host them and share with them about Christianity. Weaved the whole Gospel into the sharing. I had quite a number of WOKs for them but I didn't release. We had a discussion prior to this students' visit and a few felt that it would be sensitive. If anyone were to complain, the church would be in trouble.

One of the WOKs I received was the back of a right foot. This is very interesting as I wasn't very certain if it was the left or right foot. As I was pondering about it, I felt pain at the back of my right foot.

After sharing about Christianity with the first group of students, as I walked them to different parts of the church building, I saw a female student wearing a black ankle support at the back of her right foot. That's exciting. Really felt like approaching her to pray. But I knew that I couldn't do it as I am representing the church.

It would be great to be able to share the Gospel and demonstrate His love to the students outside a formal setting where I don't represent anyone but Jesus.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Weng Hoa Church

We went to visit the church in Weng Hoa. Prayed for the pastor's son through a WOK - left shoulder. He fell from motorbike one week ago and injured his left shoulder. He felt better after prayer.

Thursday 15 January 2015

On Flight To Chiangmai LCEC Retreat

I was sitting beside a guy who was heading to Chiangmai to play golf with a group of seven other colleagues. His name is Charlie. I had a WOK concerning his left leg. He was very surprised and he kept asking me, "Why did you ask? Why left leg specifically?"

It gave me the opportunity to talk about Jesus. He allowed me to say a prayer over him though he is a free thinker. Apparently, he experienced pain every morning at the sole of his left foot when he walks. I held his palm to pray for him.

He shared that if he is healed, it would be amazing. Then he began to share with me about his 7-year old daughter. She attends a missions school. Sometimes, she will return home sharing about Jesus to him.

After a period of conversation with him, an idea came to my mind. I shared an iPhone app with him. I told him that his daughter would enjoy the story that comes with this app. It's actually an app that talks about the Gospel story. At the same time, this app is suitable for children as it is engaging. He took down the name of this app. I know that his daughter will download the app, play around with it and share it with both her parents. They would be hearing the Gospel from their daughter. Come on!

Halfway through, Charlie's colleague came over to talk to him. I tried to engage in a conversation with him too. God spoke to me about his shoulder pain. But before I could tell him, he told Charlie that he was having shoulder pain. Couldn't release the WOK in time but I requested to pray for him anyway. Prayed for him twice and he felt better.

Am trusting the Lord for complete healing for both of them. Encounter them with Your goodness! This thing never gets old. More Lord!

T2 - LCEC Retreat

Prayed for the Muslim lady driver through WOK - right ankle area. She said that she frequently had pain at that area.

Didn't touch her ankle though. Simply held her palm to say a quick prayer. Didn't check as we arrived at Terminal 2.

Heal her Lord!

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Way Too Good?

Was getting breakfast from Kou Fu foodcourt at TPY central two days ago as I reached early. I ordered Chwee Kuey. The man in front of me ordered bee hoon but he didn't have enough cash. So he went to make withdrawal.

Holy Spirit reminded me about Todd White - how he would bless the person by paying for him.

I paid for him while he was away to make withdrawal. Then I went to have my brekkie. When he came back, he refused to accept the blessing. He asked the staff to return me as he didn't know who/where I was.

The female staff came to where I was sitting and shared with me. I told her to keep the money and bless the next person who comes to buy breakfast. She looked very surprised as if it had never happened before.

It's interesting that people find such blessing too good to be true, such that they would rather reject the blessing with skepticism. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is way too good. That is why it is called GOOD NEWS!

I'm excited about this and I guess I would be doing more of this in future. Shock people into the kingdom of God!

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Throat & Calf

Two drivers received prayer - one for sore throat and the other for numbness at his left calf. Both through WOK.

OFF Day - Morning Brekkie

Had brekkie at BK, Compass Point. While waiting for my order, I had a WOK for the cashier concerning her knee.

She said that she would talk to me later. As I was eating, she came to me and asked how I knew about it. Talked to her about Jesus.

Prayed for her. She also shared that she has white spot in her lungs and she would be going for medical checkup. Prayed for her too.

Heal her, Lord and encounter her.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Kiddy Palace

Went to Kiddy Palace. While queuing to make payment, I saw the word "stomach" for the cashier. Asked if she had stomach issue and she said that her stomach would be bloated on and off. Shook her hand and said a quick prayer. Heal her, Lord.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Youth Leaders' Bonding Day At JB

Main committee leaders and I went to JB for bonding.

A few encounters took place:

1) Outside JB Custom

Was waiting for the rest to come out of custom when I had a WOK for an uncle who stood beside me with his wife. It's his right knee. The uncle told me that it's extremely painful. When I tried to pray, he rejected. Prayed for him anyway haha, but I didn't really ask him to test out. Heal him, Lord.

2) Lunch At Taiwanese eatery, KSL

Had a WOK - neck problem for a Nepalese waiter. He pointed to his throat and shared that he had pain whenever he tried to swallow his saliva. Prayed for him and he was healed. His colleague, a Burmese asked if I'm a Christian. He, too, is. Told them that Jesus loves and bless them.

3) Dinner At Seafood Stall, Taman Sentosa

Had a WOK for one of three uncles - right side of right ankle. Prayed and he was healed. He asked, "You have power one ah?" Told him that I prayed for him in Jesus' name.

Asked the other uncle if he had any pain and he pointed to his upper back. Prayed and he was healed. Then he asked me which church I go to. I gave him my namecard. He said that he might visit the church when he comes to Singapore. Praise Jesus!

More Lord!

Friday 9 January 2015

Right Wrist

Had a WOK concerning driver's right wrist. He wasn't very open though...

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Unresponsive Driver

Encountered an unresponsive driver who refused to follow my directions. Thus, we ended in a traffic jam.

I remembered that we are supposed to bless our 'enemy.'

Had a WOK for him - back of neck near upper back. He confirmed it. Said a very quick prayer for him. Bless him, Lord!

Sunday 4 January 2015

Spine Straightened

Got a WOK concerning driver's spine. He said that he frequently had lower and upper back pain. I told him that his spine was not straight.

Prayed for him and his spine was straightened. His right leg grew out. Prayed also for his sugar and cholestrol levels as they were high.

Touched him powerfully, Lord!

Herbal Tea Shop

While buying herbal tea for Daniel and myself, I saw a word "shoulder" flashing across my eyes as I looked at the auntie selling the drinks.

Checked with her and she confirmed it. Prayed twice and she got better. I explained to her that I was praying in Jesus' name. She was not very open. But the seed has been sown :)


Uncle get touched by the Lord through word of knowledge - pain at the back of his neck.

Prayed and he felt slightly better.

Then I read a testimony on Facebook which confirms my belief and experiences - a person may not be fully healed at the point of prayer but he can be fully healed when he reached home or a few days later. The manifestation of healing can be immediate or gradual.

It is about releasing the kingdom upon a person the moment we lay hands on him. It doesn't just include healing. Peace can come upon the person. Unexplainable peace. Warmth and love can come upon the person. And all these can happen right on the spot or when they reached home. Jesus is simply amazing!

Saturday 3 January 2015

Foiled Balloon

Went to Compass Point to collect foiled Barney balloon for Jeshua. Saw a man wearing an elbow guard. Approached him and he shared that it's very painful. Laid my hand without speaking, in case he's not open for prayer.

He felt better and smiled. Found out that he's a Catholic. Prayed again in Jesus' name. He smiled and said "very good now" before thanking me.

More Lord! Encounter more people!

Don't Try Too Hard

Don't try
Don't think
Don't find
Don't search

It's natural.

Word of knowledge.

Jeshua's Birthday Party

While having devotion this morning, I received a WOK - left knee of a lady.

We went to my sister-in-law's condo function room to celebrate Jeshua's birthday in advance.

Saw two Indonesian helpers. Had the WOK for one of them - left knee. Asked her and she confirmed it but it's at the back of her left knee.

Prayed twice and she was left with very little bit of pain. Told her that I used the name of Isa (Jesus) and she understood, though she's a Muslim.

Trusting for 100% when she returned home tonight.

Friday 2 January 2015

Buangkok MRT

After sending Jeshua to his nanny, I walked to Buangkok MRT. At the platform, I saw the staff - an uncle. Had a WOK concerning his right knee. Went to approach him and he asked, "How do you know?"

For me, this thing doesn't get old. When people are surprised when the goodness of God, I'm excited and joyful.

Prayed for him twice and he felt better. He told me, "I am the master of my soul." He's a free thinker. But I don't think he will think freely after this encounter haha.

Amaze him, Lord!