Saturday 16 August 2014

Specific Word Of Knowledge

This morning, I asked God to let me move in detailed word of knowledge in the area of healing. I said, "I will be going for a leaders' meeting. If I'm given the opportunity, I will give the word and pray for the sick."

He gave me three WOK and two of them were specific.

1) Left ankle - general
2) A guy's face - specific
3) Backache, recurring for more than one, female; and the Holy Spirit showed me the face of the lady - specific

As I wasn't the one anchoring the leaders' meeting, I couldn't release the WOK publicly. But by the grace of God, I went to approach the guy and the lady to check. The guy confirmed it but he wasn't feeling comfortable for me to pray.

The lady confirmed it. Prayed and her spine was strengthened and her left leg grew out. Got her hubby to lay hand on her lower back where the ache was. Prayed three times and the pain left completely! Praise Jesus!

I am thankful that when we ask Him for more, He is faithful to give. More specific word of knowledge Lord! More!

P.S: Didn't manage to check if anyone was having problem with left ankle.

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