Thursday 14 August 2014

Delayed Manifestation Is Still Healing

Just received a wonderful news from a friend.

Prayed for her dad when they visited TPMC "Taste & See" in July this year. My friend came to be prayed for as she met a traffic accident. She was walking with crutches.

I went to talk to her dad (who was sitting at the back) and found out that he sustained knee injury (right leg) since a traffic accident many years ago. When I requested to pray for him, he said (in Mandarin), "It has been so many years. Old injury is hard to die."

Laid hand on him once and there didn't seem to be improvement. I left it as it was. Later that night, my friend messaged me and said that her dad's right leg felt better.

Today, I received news from her that he is completely healed! Praise Jesus!

This reminds me of a few past incidents when there was delayed manifestation of the healing.

One of them was an old uncle at Broadway coffeeshop in Punggol. Uncle was limping as he had rheumatism for a long time. Prayed for him twice with no visible improvement. Some time later, I met him again at the coffee shop. This time, he was walking smoothly. He told me that the day after I prayed for him, he was completely healed.

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