Thursday 21 August 2014

Light In Darkness

I had a dream some time ago where I walked in a place filled with darkness. In that place, I saw unusual miracles as I laid hands on the sick. Tumour-like stuff shrank and disappeared, etc.

I woke up from the dream with a strong conviction that the light of God will shine the strongest in places of darkness. Thus, I decided to walk in places of darkness to release His presence and kingdom.

Today, I went to Little India and approached two Hindu temples. Both were closed. Finally, I found myself in the third one.

There weren't many people in the temple as it wasn't the worship hours. Met an Indonesian family who was here for holiday. Laid hand and prayed for the Indonesian guy who had pain on his right calf area. He got healed after being prayed twice. He asked, "What's your secret?" Spoke to him about Jesus and realised that he was a Catholic. He asked for my email.

I approached a Hindu lady who was preparing for dinner in the temple and asked her if they do healing in the temple. Apparently, they don't. But the Hindus do healing in shophouses via meditation.

It is then that I realised that all religions practise healing because healing is a practical need. However, they heal the sick and charge them to earn money. For us, healing is free because healing is a Person - Jesus Christ.

My eyes are open to the plentiful harvest in Little India - the Indians. In fact, there are plenty in Geylang, Farrer Park, Chinatown, Peninsula, Lucky Plaza, etc. We just have to be willing to reach them.

I have an interesting thought, which I believe it comes from the Holy Spirit. If the false prophets can deceive people to the devil using Christian terms, then we can act as "fortune-tellers" to win people to Jesus. We can use terms that non-believers can connect with. If I reach out to Hindu, I can say that I practise yoga (which means union with God - I am IN Christ). If they get healed, I'll tell them that I have unlocked one level beyond the maximum level of yoga. That level is found in Jesus.

If I reach out to the Chinese, I can say that I know fortune telling, which is really prophecies and word of knowledge.

It has to do with how we use the words to reach them.

Last night, I had an interesting conversation with a taxi driver. I gave a wrong word of knowledge but he started telling me that he believed in ghosts because he saw one before. I told him that ghosts are real and they are known as spirits. I added, "Actually, the ghosts are afraid of me." He was shocked. "How come they are scared of you?!"

"I have a more powerful Ghost inside of me. It is called Holy Ghost." And I started talking about Jesus and some experiences. He was fully open to what I wanted to share.

This month (July - according to lunar calendar) is the time when the Chinese observes hungry ghosts festival. They are very open to the spirit realm. They have Getai performance and singing to appease the ghosts. What if we host a spiritual Getai performance and singing (worshiping) and invite the Holy Ghost to come with power and love to touch the people? When the crowd comes to see, word of knowledge and healing can be released. People will come to know Jesus. 

Man, I'm so excited in what is possible. There are many ways to do outreach.

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