Thursday 28 August 2014


Today I asked the Holy Spirit to grant me the gift of perceiving - reading word of knowledge off a person with words printed at the back of my mind.

Since I have asked, I got to step out in faith. Mark 11:24 says that whatever you ask for in prayer, you got to believe that you have received it and it will be yours. The way to show that I have received it is to do it.

As it's my first time trying this, I skipped two opportunities out of uncertainty. Finally, I "read" off a taxi driver. I saw the word "neck" printed at the back of my mind as I looked at him. As I asked him, he shared that his bro-in-law has this neck issue for a long time. It has caused him to stop working altogether.

Note: A WOK can be for the person or people he know closely.

I invited him to bring his bro-in-law to our church for Taste & See.

More Lord, more!

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