Saturday 16 August 2014

How To Know If It's A Word Of Knowledge

I have read and heard about teachings on Word of knowledge. They teach you many different ways in which you can receive a word of knowledge. But almost none of them teaches you how to discern if it's a WOK.

Personally, the Holy Spirit taught me few things which I could use to gauge if it is a WOK. I'm not 100% accurate yet. Sometimes, I still miss it. But I'm going to keep doing it.

1) Immediate
Usually, it comes almost immediately after I ask for a WOK. The longer I allow my mind to wander around, the more likely what I have is not from the Holy Spirit.

2) Spontaneous
Sometimes, it can be a similar image or word I have received before. If it is similar, there are other points in which we can discern the WOK. Usually, it comes out different from previous experience. God is creative. He shows me different images of ankle injury; different images of same physical problems. When it is spontaneous, it is usually Him.

3) Sudden
This seems like point 1 - immediate. Yet it is different. The best I can describe is this - you are not thinking about it, but it just comes to you.

4) 'In your face'
This is like reading th Scriptures when a word or a verse jumps out at you. The WOK is 'in your face' that you know and you know that it is likely Him.

5) Centred view
Usually, the WOK (image/word/etc.) will be the centre of your spiritual view. Other things become dimmed or invisible.

6) Peace
I realise that if I am feeling unrest (for me, it's the sudden increase of my heartbeat) at the moment when I want to release the WOK, it is likely not from the Holy Spirit. It is likely from my own thought. But if I have divine peace when I give the WOK, it is likely from Him.

It takes a measure of faith to release a word of knowledge. You cannot be 100% sure that you will get it right UNTIL you release it. If you are 100% sure, you don't need faith.

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