Sunday 31 August 2014


Prayed for my mum's wrist a second time today. Specialist said that it's a ligament problem and she might be required to undergo surgery if there's no improvement. Trusting God to heal her completely!

She said that doctor also mentioned about her crooked spine, which has caused her pain and the inability to bend down fully. Checked her legs and found out that her right leg was shorter than the left. Prayed for her. It took quite a while before her right leg started growing out very slowly until both legs were aligned. She said that she felt heat around her spine area. Praise Jesus! I'm also trusting that she is completely healed in this area.

Thank You Jesus!

Waiting For ATM

Was waiting in the queue to withdraw some money from the DBS ATM machine. Since I was waiting, I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal to me about the person standing in front of me.

Received a WOK concerning his left heel. Took a step of faith and asked him. He was quite hesitant to confirm it at first. Then he shared that it is due to the fact that he does a lot of running - so it comes on and off.

Didn't manage to pray for him as he was quite reluctant. Bless him, Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday 28 August 2014


Today I asked the Holy Spirit to grant me the gift of perceiving - reading word of knowledge off a person with words printed at the back of my mind.

Since I have asked, I got to step out in faith. Mark 11:24 says that whatever you ask for in prayer, you got to believe that you have received it and it will be yours. The way to show that I have received it is to do it.

As it's my first time trying this, I skipped two opportunities out of uncertainty. Finally, I "read" off a taxi driver. I saw the word "neck" printed at the back of my mind as I looked at him. As I asked him, he shared that his bro-in-law has this neck issue for a long time. It has caused him to stop working altogether.

Note: A WOK can be for the person or people he know closely.

I invited him to bring his bro-in-law to our church for Taste & See.

More Lord, more!

Thursday 21 August 2014

Light In Darkness

I had a dream some time ago where I walked in a place filled with darkness. In that place, I saw unusual miracles as I laid hands on the sick. Tumour-like stuff shrank and disappeared, etc.

I woke up from the dream with a strong conviction that the light of God will shine the strongest in places of darkness. Thus, I decided to walk in places of darkness to release His presence and kingdom.

Today, I went to Little India and approached two Hindu temples. Both were closed. Finally, I found myself in the third one.

There weren't many people in the temple as it wasn't the worship hours. Met an Indonesian family who was here for holiday. Laid hand and prayed for the Indonesian guy who had pain on his right calf area. He got healed after being prayed twice. He asked, "What's your secret?" Spoke to him about Jesus and realised that he was a Catholic. He asked for my email.

I approached a Hindu lady who was preparing for dinner in the temple and asked her if they do healing in the temple. Apparently, they don't. But the Hindus do healing in shophouses via meditation.

It is then that I realised that all religions practise healing because healing is a practical need. However, they heal the sick and charge them to earn money. For us, healing is free because healing is a Person - Jesus Christ.

My eyes are open to the plentiful harvest in Little India - the Indians. In fact, there are plenty in Geylang, Farrer Park, Chinatown, Peninsula, Lucky Plaza, etc. We just have to be willing to reach them.

I have an interesting thought, which I believe it comes from the Holy Spirit. If the false prophets can deceive people to the devil using Christian terms, then we can act as "fortune-tellers" to win people to Jesus. We can use terms that non-believers can connect with. If I reach out to Hindu, I can say that I practise yoga (which means union with God - I am IN Christ). If they get healed, I'll tell them that I have unlocked one level beyond the maximum level of yoga. That level is found in Jesus.

If I reach out to the Chinese, I can say that I know fortune telling, which is really prophecies and word of knowledge.

It has to do with how we use the words to reach them.

Last night, I had an interesting conversation with a taxi driver. I gave a wrong word of knowledge but he started telling me that he believed in ghosts because he saw one before. I told him that ghosts are real and they are known as spirits. I added, "Actually, the ghosts are afraid of me." He was shocked. "How come they are scared of you?!"

"I have a more powerful Ghost inside of me. It is called Holy Ghost." And I started talking about Jesus and some experiences. He was fully open to what I wanted to share.

This month (July - according to lunar calendar) is the time when the Chinese observes hungry ghosts festival. They are very open to the spirit realm. They have Getai performance and singing to appease the ghosts. What if we host a spiritual Getai performance and singing (worshiping) and invite the Holy Ghost to come with power and love to touch the people? When the crowd comes to see, word of knowledge and healing can be released. People will come to know Jesus. 

Man, I'm so excited in what is possible. There are many ways to do outreach.

Monday 18 August 2014

Word of Knowledge in Advance

Received two WOKs during my morning time with the Holy Spirit.

1) Left neck
2) Right ankle

The vision of these two people's faces came to my mind.

As I asked them this morning, the first person confirmed it. Prayed for him but I didn't get to check.

Second one had problem with his right neck (artery issue) instead of right ankle. (Help me, Holy Spirit to hear even clearer and more specific.)

Will pray for him tomorrow.

Thank You, Holy Spirit!

Love Your Neighbour Project

As a church, we went around blessing the poor and needy with red packets after celebrating church anniversary yesterday.

Received a WOK for an old man with lower back issue. Apparently, he was in constant pain five months ago before he went to TTSH one month ago. After taking medicine prescribed by TTSH specialist, he is feeling well now. Prayed for him anyway and invited him to attend church. He shared that he would in near future.

Staff Retreat

Today is our staff pulpit planning retreat at Furama Riverfront Hotel. I alighted at Chinatown MRT and decided to take a cab to the hotel as I didn't know how to walk there.

God gave a WOK about the driver's right knee. I asked him and he was surprised that I knew. Shared about Jesus and prayed for him.

He was in a rush, so I didn't manage to check how he was after prayer.

Praise God for a wonderful start of the day! He is so good!

Saturday 16 August 2014

How To Know If It's A Word Of Knowledge

I have read and heard about teachings on Word of knowledge. They teach you many different ways in which you can receive a word of knowledge. But almost none of them teaches you how to discern if it's a WOK.

Personally, the Holy Spirit taught me few things which I could use to gauge if it is a WOK. I'm not 100% accurate yet. Sometimes, I still miss it. But I'm going to keep doing it.

1) Immediate
Usually, it comes almost immediately after I ask for a WOK. The longer I allow my mind to wander around, the more likely what I have is not from the Holy Spirit.

2) Spontaneous
Sometimes, it can be a similar image or word I have received before. If it is similar, there are other points in which we can discern the WOK. Usually, it comes out different from previous experience. God is creative. He shows me different images of ankle injury; different images of same physical problems. When it is spontaneous, it is usually Him.

3) Sudden
This seems like point 1 - immediate. Yet it is different. The best I can describe is this - you are not thinking about it, but it just comes to you.

4) 'In your face'
This is like reading th Scriptures when a word or a verse jumps out at you. The WOK is 'in your face' that you know and you know that it is likely Him.

5) Centred view
Usually, the WOK (image/word/etc.) will be the centre of your spiritual view. Other things become dimmed or invisible.

6) Peace
I realise that if I am feeling unrest (for me, it's the sudden increase of my heartbeat) at the moment when I want to release the WOK, it is likely not from the Holy Spirit. It is likely from my own thought. But if I have divine peace when I give the WOK, it is likely from Him.

It takes a measure of faith to release a word of knowledge. You cannot be 100% sure that you will get it right UNTIL you release it. If you are 100% sure, you don't need faith.

Specific Word Of Knowledge

This morning, I asked God to let me move in detailed word of knowledge in the area of healing. I said, "I will be going for a leaders' meeting. If I'm given the opportunity, I will give the word and pray for the sick."

He gave me three WOK and two of them were specific.

1) Left ankle - general
2) A guy's face - specific
3) Backache, recurring for more than one, female; and the Holy Spirit showed me the face of the lady - specific

As I wasn't the one anchoring the leaders' meeting, I couldn't release the WOK publicly. But by the grace of God, I went to approach the guy and the lady to check. The guy confirmed it but he wasn't feeling comfortable for me to pray.

The lady confirmed it. Prayed and her spine was strengthened and her left leg grew out. Got her hubby to lay hand on her lower back where the ache was. Prayed three times and the pain left completely! Praise Jesus!

I am thankful that when we ask Him for more, He is faithful to give. More specific word of knowledge Lord! More!

P.S: Didn't manage to check if anyone was having problem with left ankle.

Friday 15 August 2014

Cab Driver

Received a word of knowledge for the cab driver - pain at the centre area of his back. He nodded and showed me the medical plaster that he pasted on his back. Prayed for him. As his pain came on and off, he wouldn't know if he was healed because he didn't experience any pain at the point of prayer.

Trusting God to encounter him :)

Thursday 14 August 2014

Delayed Manifestation Is Still Healing

Just received a wonderful news from a friend.

Prayed for her dad when they visited TPMC "Taste & See" in July this year. My friend came to be prayed for as she met a traffic accident. She was walking with crutches.

I went to talk to her dad (who was sitting at the back) and found out that he sustained knee injury (right leg) since a traffic accident many years ago. When I requested to pray for him, he said (in Mandarin), "It has been so many years. Old injury is hard to die."

Laid hand on him once and there didn't seem to be improvement. I left it as it was. Later that night, my friend messaged me and said that her dad's right leg felt better.

Today, I received news from her that he is completely healed! Praise Jesus!

This reminds me of a few past incidents when there was delayed manifestation of the healing.

One of them was an old uncle at Broadway coffeeshop in Punggol. Uncle was limping as he had rheumatism for a long time. Prayed for him twice with no visible improvement. Some time later, I met him again at the coffee shop. This time, he was walking smoothly. He told me that the day after I prayed for him, he was completely healed.

Hair Dresser

Received two word of knowledge before I went to have a haircut at the salon.

1) Pain at left deltoid to shoulder area 
2) Knee pain

After my haircut, I asked my hairdresser if her colleague (there was only one beside her) had pain at deltoid to shoulder area. She said that she didn't know but I could ask. Her colleague responded, "Yes."

My hair dresser was surprised, "How did you know?"

"Jesus told me about it."

Prayed three times for her colleague and she was surprised that the pain left her. Praise Jesus!

I then asked, "Any knee pain too?" She nodded. Prayed for her. With faith, she bent her knees and squatted down. She felt better though not completely healed.

God is into the business of restoring health. Amen!

Sunday 10 August 2014


My wife forgot to bring her key out. Thus, I had to rush home from my mum's place by cab as she and Jeshua were waiting outside the house.

Received a word of knowledge concerning the taxi driver's lower back to tailbone area. Checked with him and it was confirmed.

He asked me, "Why would you ask me this? Are you a doctor?"

I replied, "I'm a Christian. We have seen people getting healed by prayer."

When I arrived at my place, I didn't manage to pray for him as I saw my wife and Jeshua waiting for me at the void deck.

I pray that this driver experiences the reality of God.

Friday 8 August 2014

Young Taxi Driver

Boarded a taxi at Suntec City. The driver was a young guy who only started driving 3 months ago.

Received a word of knowledge for his lower back before I started conversation with him.

He asked me how I knew about his back, which gave me opportunity to talk about Christianity and the church. However, he wasn't comfortable with me praying for him.

He is a Buddhist and we started talking about Church and ministry. Thank God for this opportunity.

There is always someone whom we can sow the seed of the Gospel.

Day Of His Power

Was at Day Of His Power 2014 at Suntec City. Partnered with a FCBC guy beside me in prayer.

Received a Word of knowledge for his shoulder but he said that while he sometimes has pain at his shoulder area, he didn't have it at that moment.

He then mentioned that he had problem with his back. He was told that he had crooked spine. Got him out of the hall, checked his legs and realised that his left leg was 2cm shorter than the right.

Prayed and it grew out slightly longer than the right haha. His spine was straightened and healed! Praise Jesus!

New Age

While waiting for my wife at Dhoby Ghaut yesterday, I stumbled upon a New Age shop that sells crystal balls and New Age stuff.

Decided to go in and confront the kingdom of darkness. Spoke to the New Age guy about energy healing and he shared that they don't do it in this branch as there is limited space. What they do is to teach customers how to receive healing via some healing charms. I looked around (while releasing His presence continually) and saw diagrams on how you can meditate and appropriate healing for your body.

Tried ministering to him but unfortunately, I gave a wrong word of knowledge to that guy. Gonna keep pressing on for more and never back down.

It is interesting that non-Christians believe in healing more than Christians when we are supposed to be the answer for those who are searching for Truth. We have the authentic power of the Holy Spirit.