Saturday 29 June 2024

Healing Is Not The Proof of God's Love

Healing is not exactly the proof that God loves you. The Cross is. Whether anything changes in your life or not, the Cross is the proof that God loves you.

We cannot preach the love of God using signs and wonders as the proof. Because the absence of signs and wonders doesn't remove the presence of His love.

Healing is the proof of the Kingdom. Read Matt 10:8; Luke 10:9; Mark 16:15-18; Matt 12:28 and Luke 11:20

When we don't understand the Gospel (message) of the Kingdom, we preach healing as the proof of God's love. This is why people get disappointed with God. It is not God's fault. It is our fault because we, as messengers, did not bring the right message.

Healing is the proof that there is a King and His Kingdom. He has come to reign. And He reigns over chaos & darkness (sickness).

The disciples were commanded to preach "The Kingdom is here!" where healing is a confirmation of the message. Signs and wonders confirm the message that the King is present.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Resting Destroys satan's Works Part Two

Resting Destroys satan's Works Part Two

In the previous post, we talked about how peace within us is untouchable by the storms and the waves in the outside world.

Peace not only crushes the works of the enemy (Rom 16:20), it also protects us from his works. It is both offensive and defensive, as shared in the previous post about Mark 4. It is uninterrupted and untouchable.

When there is faith, there is peace. Because faith releases peace. When there is unbelief, there is no peace.

Peace, therefore, is a powerful indicator of faith.

In Matthew 17, the disciples tried to cast out a demon from the boy, but they failed to do so. Jesus cast it out, and explained to them why they couldn't cast out the demon in Matt 17:20. He said, "Because of your unbelief."

In fact, He rebuked His disciples and said "O faithless generation!" (Matt 17:17)

The peace within Jesus calmed the demonic chaos in the boy. It wasn't what Jesus said out of His mouth that crushed the demon. Because the disciples must have said THE SAME THING while trying to cast it out.

It was the peace within Jesus, when released through His mouth, crushed the demon. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. The peace within Jesus produced result in the world without.

The disciples had no result because there was no peace within them. Because of their unbelief. They might appear to do the same thing as Jesus, said the same thing as Jesus but it wouldn't work. i.e. the seven sons of Sceva.

Alot of believers can appear to be doing and saying the same thing on the outside. Yet it is only the Peace within (unseen by appearance) that is going to make a difference.

When we are restful, God is faithful. The faith of God is demonstrated by the rest of God. When we walk in that rest, when we walk in that peace, the world outside has to conform to the image of the Son and His Kingdom.

In the next part, we see how peace destroys sickness and how to walk in it.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Resting Destroys satan's Works Part One

Resting Destroys satan's Works Part One

Last night, I was spending time in prayer when I saw a vision of Jesus rowing a boat peacefully in the midst of surrounding chaos. He was totally uninterrupted in His own world, smiling as He was rowing.

Then He spoke to me, "The peace on the inside of you overcomes everything that is in the world." And the Holy Spirit revealed to me that as believers, our default (natural) mode is faith!

The God of peace will soon crush satan under your feet. - Rom 16:20

Why isn't it the God of war or the God of power that will crush satan under our feet? Peace must not be underestimated, since it crushes satan and his works.

When the disciples were on the boat in Mark 4, a windstorm arose. Water was breaking into the boat, causing it to begin to sink. But Jesus was still sleeping in the boat. Uninterrupted!

The disciples were panicking. They woke Him up. Jesus spoke to the sea, "Peace, be still!" And He said to His disciples, "Have you still no faith?" (Mk 4:40)

I like to read Scriptures forward and backward. In this case, the disciples had no peace because they had no faith (aka unbelief). Jesus had faith, thus He had peace.

And the peace He had within changed the world outside which had no peace. That peace crushed the enemy's works.

When you have peace, you rest. Jesus rested in the boat when the disciples wrestled with the storm. The reason Jesus had to wake up and rebuke the storm is for the sake of His disciples who were crumbling in fear.

Otherwise, all of them could have slept through the storm and the sinking boat, and still reach the other side of the island (Mk 4:35). If they had peace like Jesus did. If they rested like Jesus did. 

Because the peace within Jesus is not only uninterrupted, it is also untouchable. The storm and the waves could not touch Him. He didn't need to wake up from His beauty sleep to release that peace into the atmosphere. There was NO NEED to calm the storm and waves.

I could imagine the water and the waves surrounding Him, moving along the perimeter of His body as He was sleeping, BUT they could not touch Him. That's the kind of peace that surpasses ALL understanding.

If you have peace within, if you rest within, the storm and the waves cannot touch you.

I have more to share on this important aspect of peace and how it crushes your sickness. Stay tuned for the next part.

Monday 24 June 2024

The Five Points Of The Gospel

The Five Points Of The Gospel

1. Jesus Christ is the only God and the only exemplary Man
2. He died for you
3. He died as you
4. He lives in you
5. He lives through you

Most of us were taught a little of point 1 and much of point 2. That became the foundation of our Christianity and how we share the Gospel with others. I did that for many years too, until I had a revelation of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

No amount of altar calls, conferences, and Spirit-encounters change my life as much as the revelation of this truth. It really proves that Romans 12:2 is true ---- life transformation is the result of mind renewal.

Truth always demands us to respond, either negatively or positively. It is impossible to stay status quo.

When we surrender and renew our mind to the truth, it has only one result ----- the change of life.

My desire is that more and more people encounter the truth on His Kingdom.

Jesus!!! 🔥🔥🔥

Saturday 15 June 2024

Jesus Is Not The Way To Heaven

Jesus Is Not The Way To Heaven 

Jesus came preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. He revealed the King, His Kingship and His Kingdom. He's full of Love & Truth.

But He didn't come to get you say a prayer to go heaven. Neither did Peter and Paul do that.

Jesus is not the Way to heaven. It's not in the Bible. He is the Way to the Father (Jn 14:6).

Dan Mohler nailed it when he shared, "We teach people that God sent His Son to forgive our sins so that we can go heaven. We preachers like to say this, 'If you die tonight and don't know where you are going, pray this prayer.' We teach this self-centred gospel. Jesus doesn't preach the Gospel that way ever!"

He added, "Jesus didn't forgive us so that we can go heaven. He forgave us so that we can get back to the Father."

This is Bible.

We make it about prayer when Jesus made it about surrender. He came to restore sonship and purpose. Our response is to surrender our lives to Him and live according to His image.

That's repentance. That's repenting unto the Kingdom. And that's what get us saved - spirit, soul and body.

I like what Curry Blake do before he ends a preaching service. There is no altar call to get people to pray a prayer of salvation. That's not Bible. He challenged the unbelievers to make Jesus Lord of their lives --- "If you do not know Jesus, you need to decide today to make Him Lord and live according to His ways."

Faith is a decision. Repentance is a decision. Don't pray a prayer to get to heaven. It doesn't work that way.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Redemption For Health

Redemption For Health

The first compound Name that God revealed to Israel after bringing them out of slavery is Jehovah Rapha. It points to the work of Redemption by Christ.

When they came to Marah, they could not drink the water of Marah because it was bitter; therefore it was named Marah. And the people grumbled against Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” And he cried to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a tree, and he threw it into the water, and the water became sweet. - Exo 15:23-25

When the tree was thrown into the water, it reversed the curse of bitterness. The water became sweet. 

And God revealed Himself in Exo 15:26, "...I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, your Healer.”

The tree was a foreshadow of the Cross. In Gal 3:13, it says, "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree.”

This is quoted from Deut 21:22-23. In fact, there was a whole list of curses in Deut 28 that would be brought against anyone disobeying the Law. It included every kind of sickness (Deut 28:61). 

Jesus had to die, put sin to death and be hung on the tree (Deut 21:22-23), in order to redeem us from the curse of the Law.

The Old Covenant is a foreshadow of the New Covenant which is the true substance. Just as the tree was thrown into the water to turn bitterness into sweetness, Christ had to be hung on the Cross to redeem us from slavery into liberty.

The compound Name 'Rapha' doesn't mean 'Healing'. It means 'Completely Healed'. Because you have to read in context. He said, "I will put none of the diseases on you..." This means that you are PROTECTED from diseases. You don't get healed. You live healed.

This is confirmed by Gal 3:13 where Christ redeemed us from the curse of every kind of sickness (Deut 28:61), when He was hung on the tree. The Name "Jehovah Rapha" is the revelation of the work of Redemption by Christ on the Cross!

1 Peter 2:24 says, "He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, that we might die to sin, and live to righteousness. By His stripes, you WERE healed."

There's alot to expound on this one verse. But we just look at the last part. You WERE healed. Past Tense. If you WERE healed, you don't need any more healing. Because for the believers, there is NOW divine protection from sicknesses and diseases.

Not many people will preach on this. If you preach divine healing, you already get slammed by others. But if you preach divine health and protection from every sickness and disease, you might be labeled as heretic.

And this is the reason why many get sick. Because they only believe in healing. 

Christ did not just come to heal you. He is also your Jehovah Rapha ----- for you to live healed and protected from every sickness. 

We need to start preaching this more. Stay tuned.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Why Believers Seem Harder To Get Healed?

Why Believers Seem Harder To Get Healed?

If we think that believers are harder to get healed, you will see what you believe. Because according to your faith, it is done.

God shows NO partiality. If the finished works of Christ paid for ALL to be healed, ALL means ALL, whether you are a believer or not.

After seeing thousands of individuals healed in the streets, I saw the Word remaining steadfast and true. Whether it's believer or not, all get healed the same.


Not all stay healed. Believers are the ones who don't stay healed as easily as non-believers.

It used to baffle my mind until I realised that Matthew 28:18 and Mark 11:24 have been given to believers.

The same authority of Christ has been given to believers. Therefore, what a believer says has power to his body (Prov 18:21), either life or death.

Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. - Mark 11:24

Prayer is not just what you say in a prayer meeting. It is not just what you say when you end with "In Jesus' name. Amen." That will be religion.

What you say out of your mouth IS prayer, regardless of the location and time.

Non-believers don't know God. They don't have an idea of who God is. They have NO belief of God. When they get healed, they realise it is God. Period.

Believers know God. More often than not, they have WRONG belief of God. They have an idea of who God is that is not rooted in Christ. When they get healed, while they realise it is God, they still have wrong belief.

Mark 11:24 says that you receive what you believe. It doesn't say what kind of belief. So if you believe wrongly, you can receive that too.

If the enemy throws darts at a believer (after receiving healing), the believer with a wrong belief of who God is thinks that it is God speaking in his mind about the healing, he can receive what he believes wrongly.

This is probably why we see believers experiencing symptoms back in their bodies after they get healed. It is not that they didn't get healed, but they welcomed the sickness back with their wrong belief (Mark 11:24).

If we don't right our belief, you can get healed but not stay healed.

Understanding Is Received By Faith

By faith, we understand... - Heb 11:3

The word 'understand' in Greek means 'to perceive with the mind.'

The mind of Christ is operated by faith. To understand the things of God, it is not by research, study, our experiences or our analytical mind.

Understanding must be received by faith. If we want understanding, we must walk by faith.

This is the reason why some cannot understand the things you do. They think you are out of your mind. But what is out of their mind might not be out of the mind of Christ.

The opposite of faith is not fear, but sight. People who live by sight have no understanding. They based their understanding by what they see with the physical eyes.

Walking by sight always produces fear and timidity (Hebrews 10:38-39). Walking by sight always shrinks back (which means timidity in Greek).

People who live by faith have understanding because they perceive with the mind of Christ.

Walking by faith always produces confidence (Heb 10:35; 11:1) because the mind of Christ is confident. 

When we get understanding by faith we walk in confidence.

Friday 7 June 2024

Simple Chart

An image that the Holy Spirit gave me when I was praying about nothing.

Grace = ALL that Christ paid for. God has already GIVEN.

Reality = Actual manifestation

Faith = The bridge to expand the PIPE in order to get from Grace to Reality. How much we want Grace to flow to Reality depends on Faith.

Love = The source for Faith to push the upper line of the Pipe vertically. Faith works through Love.

Christianity is that simple. And it is that mechanical. Don't complicate things.