Friday 12 April 2024

The Goal Of Bible Study Part One

The Goal Of Bible Study Part One

The goal of bible study isn't bible knowledge. Neither is it to apply the Word into your life as though it is a self-improvement programme.

The goal of bible study is to BECOME the Word.

When you read the Word, you are reading the true you (Eph 4:24; James 1:23-24) so that you can become the Word.

We don't live in separation from God like pagans. We don't try to get/receive something from God as though He hasn't given through Christ. 

If God is already one with you (1 Cor 6:17) and lives in you, our goal is to become who we already are (2 Cor 5:17); to become who He already made us to be (Col 2:10; 3:10).

The parable of the Sower reveals the foundation of how the Kingdom of God works (Mark 4:13). If we don't understand it, we will miss every Kingdom principle in the Bible and read with a pagan's len instead.

Out of the 4 types of ground, the first has unbelief (Satan); the second has wrong believing (no root); the third has right believing together with distraction (cares); the fourth has right believing and it thus bears fruit.

If the Word is a seed (spirit) and the Word is Christ (John 1:1), the Word is sown into you when you get born again. This is why you are already the Word in the Spirit. The seed is already in you. In the Spirit, God sees you exactly as He sees Christ (Col 2:10; 1 Jn 4:17).

What is left is for your soul and body to become the Word, through mind renewal (Rom 12:2). And that is only done by the principle of the Kingdom ----- by grace through faith (Eph 2:8-9; Phil 1:6).

Faith appropriates Grace and makes the Word (Truth) your reality. When the Word becomes your natural reality, you have become the Word. You have become the Word made flesh (in your soul and body).

Remember: Jesus is the firstborn Son (Rom 8:29). You and I are born after His image. He is the prototype for every believer.

This is why you study the Word... so that you know what is the Word and who is the Word and thus, you can become the Word. To put it simply, the Bible shows you who you are in the Spirit so that your soul and body can line up to it.

The seed becomes fruit (Mark 4) when your soul and body becomes the Word (what your spirit already is) through right believing (fourth type ground). 

This is why we need to get rid of the first three types (unbelief, wrong belief, distraction/cares) of ground in our lives, which hinder us from becoming the Word. Jesus constantly dealt with these in His disciples (Matt 17:20; Mark 4:38-40; Matt 14:31).

In the next part, I will share what becoming the Word entails, because it is the purpose for the Kingdom's dominion on earth.

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