Thursday 4 April 2024

Step Into Christianity

If we don't understand the finished works of Christ, we will always blame God for what we don't receive, instead of taking responsibility for what He has already given.

For example, to regard healing as God's responsibility is to put the blame (whether directly or indirectly) on Him if it doesn't happen. We either believe in the Word as truth, or we let our experience alter His Word.

When we alter or twist His Word, we are calling God a liar. Religion places responsibility on God because we came from a pagan's mindset. We are not reaching out to God from earth to heaven.

The greatest mystery of Christianity is Christ in you, which means God in you. Paul found this revelation and kept preaching it. Most people still don't understand this as it's still a concept and something they read about.

The truth that God is in you and you are one with Him (1 Cor 6:17; Jn 17) make you gods (Ps 82:6; Jn 10:34). This is why Jesus is the firstborn Son (Rom 8:29), which means that we are sons born into His image and likeness. Jesus is the prototype for every believer.

This means that when you read the Bible especially the books of the Gospel, you are not identifying with the crowd, the individuals, the disciples or anyone else. You are identifying with Jesus.

When Jesus healed the sick and delivered the oppressed, He was showing you that you are to do what He did (Jn 14:12) because you are going to be like Him when the Holy Spirit comes (Acts 1:8).

The church is born on the Day of Pentecost because the Body has become like the firstborn Son, completely the same in the Spirit. The same Resurrection Life and Power in Christ is now in you, because the same Spirit dwells in you (Rom 8:11).

We no longer have any excuse to push any responsibility to God when it comes to everything that Christ has given to us through His finished works.

Does that mean that we are God? No. We can't save like Him. He is the Creator, the Saviour and the Judge. But our Spirit is now like Him. Earth is now our responsibility (Psalm 115:16) because of the dominion ability that God has given to us (Luke 10:19; Matt 28:18; Mark 16:17-18).

Until we understand dominion, authority, power and Jesus' finished works, we will remain wretched sinners hitting our chests, looking up to heaven, praying to a faraway God (in location) and waiting for the sweet by and by. Instead of walking and manifesting as sons of God, knowing Who is IN you and who you are.

It takes a thorough renewal of mind (Rom 12:2) through the whole Bible before we can shift out of the paganistic religious mindset and step into Christianity.

God the Father is seated on the throne of heaven. God the Son is seated at His right hand. God is not going to do for you what He has already done for you. He's looking at what you would do with what He has given.

God the Holy Spirit is the One who works on earth and He works through you --- the sons of God.

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