Monday 22 April 2024

Is It Really The Faith of God?

Is It Really The Faith of God?

Grace preachers often quote Gal 2:20 about us having the faith of God, instead of our faith.

If it is true, nothing is truly impossible for us (Mk 9:23). The faith of God won't fail to work.

Apostle Paul wouldn't need to write in 1 Cor 13:2, "if I have ALL the faith..."

The following list of verses won't need to be in the Bible:

Romans 1:12 - each other's faith
Phil 1:25 - your progress in the faith
2 Cor 10:15 - your faith increases
2 Thes 1:3 - your faith is growing
1 Thes 3:10 - lacking in your faith

I checked the Greek word for all these passages, because some verses are translated as 'your faith' in English but it's actually 'the faith' in Greek.

But for the above list of passages, it is still 'the faith of you' or 'your faith' in Greek.

This immediately destroys the typical Grace teachings on you having the faith of God.

I'm all for Grace teachings, but we still need to grow in faith because we do NOT have the faith of God yet.

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