Tuesday 30 April 2024

Guilt? Which Church Are You From?

The waitress who was serving us started crying when word of knowledge and healing was released to her. The manifest presence of God was strongly upon her throughout the conversation. She got completely healed.

She said, "This is my first time ever encountering this." 

Suddenly, she felt guilty and added, "I attend a Christian church but I don't go regularly as I need to work."

My wife replied, "It's not about the church you go to. It's about our relationship with Him."

She nodded and asked, "Which church do you guys go to?"

My wife responded, "It's not about the building. It's really about our relationship ---- you and Him."

Church is not about service or building. You and I are the Church. Let no one cause you to have a guilt trap for missing church services.

If going to sushi restaurants doesn't make you become a sushi, going to church doesn't make you a Christian. 

I read a meme that says, "Going to church just means going to church." Funny but true.

We are still stuck with a religious mindset about services and cellgroup meetings, when what the Bible really means about meeting together in Heb 10:24-25 is koinonia (fellowship).

P.S: With the Gen Z and the Gen Alpha who can easily access plenty of resources (teachings and sermons) on social media, the "attend church on Sundays" teaching is no longer relevant. It is not a timeless truth anyway. Instead, koinonia is what they need.

Saturday 27 April 2024

Akihabara, Tokyo

I found Akihabara as a great spot for the demonstration of the Gospel with it's power. Power evangelism takes place easily.

Towards evening, there is a massive crowd standing and moving around the open space. Along the streets in the arena, there are also plenty of salesgirls wearing maid dresses to draw customers to their cafes.

Akihabara is a massive gaming and entertainment area, which is a form of escape for the Japanese.

Thursday 25 April 2024

The Right Hand of God

Because the Right hand of God is upon you, you are not just right with God (Ps 48:1). You become the righteousness of God.

Because the Right hand of God is upon you, you are not just powerful with God (Lk 22:69). You become the power of God.

Because the Right hand of God is upon you, you don't just have favour with God (Ps 44:3). You become the favour of God. This is why every time when you walk into a shop, a cafe, or a restaurant, crowd begin to flow in after you.

The hand of God is continually upon you. Recognise His hand and walk in it.

Monday 22 April 2024

Is It Really The Faith of God?

Is It Really The Faith of God?

Grace preachers often quote Gal 2:20 about us having the faith of God, instead of our faith.

If it is true, nothing is truly impossible for us (Mk 9:23). The faith of God won't fail to work.

Apostle Paul wouldn't need to write in 1 Cor 13:2, "if I have ALL the faith..."

The following list of verses won't need to be in the Bible:

Romans 1:12 - each other's faith
Phil 1:25 - your progress in the faith
2 Cor 10:15 - your faith increases
2 Thes 1:3 - your faith is growing
1 Thes 3:10 - lacking in your faith

I checked the Greek word for all these passages, because some verses are translated as 'your faith' in English but it's actually 'the faith' in Greek.

But for the above list of passages, it is still 'the faith of you' or 'your faith' in Greek.

This immediately destroys the typical Grace teachings on you having the faith of God.

I'm all for Grace teachings, but we still need to grow in faith because we do NOT have the faith of God yet.

Saturday 13 April 2024

The Goal Of Bible Study Part Two

The Goal Of Bible Study Part Two 

The purpose of studying the Word is to become the Word. You study to show yourself approved (1 Tim 2:15), because who Christ is, you are (1 Jn 4:17).

If Christ is the Righteousness of God (Rom 1:17) and He is in you (Gal 2:20), you become the righteousness of God in Him (1 Cor 1:30; 2 Cor 5:21).

The seed is in you. The Word is in your spirit. Your spirit is exactly like Christ.

In other words, Righteousness is in you. This is why 1 John 3:9 says that whoever is born of God CANNOT sin, because God's seed abides in him. 

Since the goal of bible study is to become the Word, it is possible for our soul and body to become the righteousness of God, so that they do not sin. It means that the seed has become fruit (Phil 1:10-11).

In the same way, it applies to every area.

If Christ is the healing and health of God and He is in you, you become the healing and health of God in Him (Rom 8:11; Mk 16:17-18).

If you can say, "I am the righteousness of God in Christ", then you can say, "I am the healing and health of God in Christ."

Many can minister to the sick but they cannot get healing for themselves because they don't understand that they are the Word.

Until we see ourselves as the Word in the Spirit, we cannot become the Word in our soul and body. The seed must become fruit through right believing (get rid of unbelief, wrong belief and distraction/cares).

Since it is by grace through faith, it might take time; or it might be instantaneous; or it might be sudden. It depends on how fast we get our mind renewed (Rom 12:2). The speed at which the seed becomes fruit depends on us, not God.

We have to keep speaking, keep seeing, keep thinking and keep believing until the Word becomes our reality. And when it becomes our natural reality, we have become the Word.

Becoming the Word fulfills the very purpose God created us ----- to take dominion on earth. You manifest sonship as you walk on earth. Righteousness, healing, health, deliverance, etc. ALL flow through you to crush the works of the devil and establish His Kingdom on earth.

Friday 12 April 2024

The Goal Of Bible Study Part One

The Goal Of Bible Study Part One

The goal of bible study isn't bible knowledge. Neither is it to apply the Word into your life as though it is a self-improvement programme.

The goal of bible study is to BECOME the Word.

When you read the Word, you are reading the true you (Eph 4:24; James 1:23-24) so that you can become the Word.

We don't live in separation from God like pagans. We don't try to get/receive something from God as though He hasn't given through Christ. 

If God is already one with you (1 Cor 6:17) and lives in you, our goal is to become who we already are (2 Cor 5:17); to become who He already made us to be (Col 2:10; 3:10).

The parable of the Sower reveals the foundation of how the Kingdom of God works (Mark 4:13). If we don't understand it, we will miss every Kingdom principle in the Bible and read with a pagan's len instead.

Out of the 4 types of ground, the first has unbelief (Satan); the second has wrong believing (no root); the third has right believing together with distraction (cares); the fourth has right believing and it thus bears fruit.

If the Word is a seed (spirit) and the Word is Christ (John 1:1), the Word is sown into you when you get born again. This is why you are already the Word in the Spirit. The seed is already in you. In the Spirit, God sees you exactly as He sees Christ (Col 2:10; 1 Jn 4:17).

What is left is for your soul and body to become the Word, through mind renewal (Rom 12:2). And that is only done by the principle of the Kingdom ----- by grace through faith (Eph 2:8-9; Phil 1:6).

Faith appropriates Grace and makes the Word (Truth) your reality. When the Word becomes your natural reality, you have become the Word. You have become the Word made flesh (in your soul and body).

Remember: Jesus is the firstborn Son (Rom 8:29). You and I are born after His image. He is the prototype for every believer.

This is why you study the Word... so that you know what is the Word and who is the Word and thus, you can become the Word. To put it simply, the Bible shows you who you are in the Spirit so that your soul and body can line up to it.

The seed becomes fruit (Mark 4) when your soul and body becomes the Word (what your spirit already is) through right believing (fourth type ground). 

This is why we need to get rid of the first three types (unbelief, wrong belief, distraction/cares) of ground in our lives, which hinder us from becoming the Word. Jesus constantly dealt with these in His disciples (Matt 17:20; Mark 4:38-40; Matt 14:31).

In the next part, I will share what becoming the Word entails, because it is the purpose for the Kingdom's dominion on earth.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Becoming The Word

The Word
- You keep confessing, believing and reminding yourself of the Word.
- It is by grace through faith. Faith appropriates Grace and makes the Word (Truth) your reality.
- It may be immediate. It may be a while. It may take some time.
- But when it happens, the Word manifests and becomes your reality.
- When the Word becomes your reality, you BECOME the Word made flesh.

Thursday 4 April 2024

Step Into Christianity

If we don't understand the finished works of Christ, we will always blame God for what we don't receive, instead of taking responsibility for what He has already given.

For example, to regard healing as God's responsibility is to put the blame (whether directly or indirectly) on Him if it doesn't happen. We either believe in the Word as truth, or we let our experience alter His Word.

When we alter or twist His Word, we are calling God a liar. Religion places responsibility on God because we came from a pagan's mindset. We are not reaching out to God from earth to heaven.

The greatest mystery of Christianity is Christ in you, which means God in you. Paul found this revelation and kept preaching it. Most people still don't understand this as it's still a concept and something they read about.

The truth that God is in you and you are one with Him (1 Cor 6:17; Jn 17) make you gods (Ps 82:6; Jn 10:34). This is why Jesus is the firstborn Son (Rom 8:29), which means that we are sons born into His image and likeness. Jesus is the prototype for every believer.

This means that when you read the Bible especially the books of the Gospel, you are not identifying with the crowd, the individuals, the disciples or anyone else. You are identifying with Jesus.

When Jesus healed the sick and delivered the oppressed, He was showing you that you are to do what He did (Jn 14:12) because you are going to be like Him when the Holy Spirit comes (Acts 1:8).

The church is born on the Day of Pentecost because the Body has become like the firstborn Son, completely the same in the Spirit. The same Resurrection Life and Power in Christ is now in you, because the same Spirit dwells in you (Rom 8:11).

We no longer have any excuse to push any responsibility to God when it comes to everything that Christ has given to us through His finished works.

Does that mean that we are God? No. We can't save like Him. He is the Creator, the Saviour and the Judge. But our Spirit is now like Him. Earth is now our responsibility (Psalm 115:16) because of the dominion ability that God has given to us (Luke 10:19; Matt 28:18; Mark 16:17-18).

Until we understand dominion, authority, power and Jesus' finished works, we will remain wretched sinners hitting our chests, looking up to heaven, praying to a faraway God (in location) and waiting for the sweet by and by. Instead of walking and manifesting as sons of God, knowing Who is IN you and who you are.

It takes a thorough renewal of mind (Rom 12:2) through the whole Bible before we can shift out of the paganistic religious mindset and step into Christianity.

God the Father is seated on the throne of heaven. God the Son is seated at His right hand. God is not going to do for you what He has already done for you. He's looking at what you would do with what He has given.

God the Holy Spirit is the One who works on earth and He works through you --- the sons of God.

Wednesday 3 April 2024