Sunday 31 December 2023

Don't Become, Be!

Don't Become, Be!

The enemy is always trying to get us to become who we already are. If he can get us to try to become who we already are, he can get us to try to get what we already have.

This started from the Fall. The enemy deceived Eve into thinking that she could become like God after eating the fruit (Gen 3:5). But Eve was ALREADY like God to begin with (Gen 1:26).

When Eve thought that she could become who she already was, she tried to get what she already had ---- she already had what is good.

Fast forward to today... If we don't know who we already are in Christ, we will try to BECOME. And when we try to become who we already are, we will try to get what we already have.

Christianity begins complete (Col 2:10). You don't try to become or get it. You simply BE. You simply HAVE it.

Many Christians do not understand this Kingdom truth. They focus on actions, words, behaviours and symptoms ----- sight, instead of identity ----- faith aka truth. Focusing on the flesh is death; focusing on the Spirit is LIFE (Rom 8:6).

They try to become more righteous without realising that they have already been made righteous (2 Cor 5:21). They try to become more holy when they have already been made holy (set apart) --- 1 Cor 1:30.

When you try to become who you already are, you will try to get what you already have.

If sickness or symptoms are in their bodies, they say, "I am sick. I need healing." Or they say to you, "You are not well. You are sick." They don't understand truth and identity. They are still seeing and living by the flesh (sight), instead of identity (faith). They try to get healing when they already have it.

1 Peter 2:24 says that "by His stripes, you WERE healed." It's a past tense. It is a done deal. Just as Jesus dealt with sin's issue, He dealt with sickness' issue. As far as God is concerned, you were healed, and therefore, you are healed.

God is not trying to heal you. He already DID it through Christ by His stripes. People say, "No. I'm not. I'm still having the symptoms. I need to get healing." That's because they focus on the physical instead of the spiritual. 

Every blessing flows from the spiritual realm into the physical realm. It flows from our identity into our reality. Living by sight shuts off the power and the flow. It gets us into becoming who we already are. It makes us try to get what we already have.

This is WHY THE ENEMY always deceives us to live by SIGHT. That is his primary technique. He channels all his energy to get us to live by sight. The only way to overcome him is faith (2 Cor 5:7; 1 Jn 4:4). Live in our IDENTITY.

Identity is simply living by the Spirit, aka walking by faith in His truth. Your actions, words, behaviours and symptoms might not line up with your identity yet, BUT it doesn't change who you are and it doesn't change what you have.

In fact, the only WAY to line up our actions, words, behaviours and symptoms to the truth of God is to constantly FOCUS on our identity (Philemon 6) ---- who we already ARE and what we already HAVE.

Regardless of your bodily symptoms or pain, if you keep believing that you are already healed, the symptoms or pain have to go. It can be instantaneous or progressive. But it has to go. People might think that you are nuts, so be it. People thought Jesus were nuts too.

Our identity is the HEALED one, not the sick. You either choose to believe God or not. Jesus walked in divine health, free from every sickness and disease. So IS our identity ---- we cannot be sick.

But Christians will say, "But you still get sick." That's because they don't understand identity and truth. They are still seeing the flesh. When you believe that you cannot be sick (as who you already are), your body will line up with that truth and you walk protected from every sickness and disease ----- because this is your TRUE identity.

Don't try to get what you already have. Don't try to become who you already are. Simply BE, and simply HAVE!

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