Tuesday 19 December 2023

Meekness and Healing

Meekness and Healing

This morning, I had God speak to me.

He said, "If you use meekness, you will see even more healings."

I was baffled. I thought the Kingdom takes by force. I thought aggressiveness is the key.

Jesus walked in meekness throughout His ministry. His benchmark for healings is 100%. He didn't give any excuse and He didn't fail to heal any.

Difference between Weakness and Meekness

Weakness has no choice.
Meekness has a choice.

Weakness is involuntary.
Meekness is deliberate.

Weakness is a lack of power.
Meekness is power under control.

Weakness is by default.
Meekness is by surrendering.

The more we surrender to the Christ in us, the more He manifests through us --- whether in power or in love (whether gifts or fruit).

I was brought back to the scenes where I saw 'great' healings (in men's perspective). Those were of the shortest prayer I spoke. I did nothing with my mind but simply surrendered to the Christ in me. I simply let Him out. I let Him do His work and He completed it with perfection.

Meekness is simply trusting Christ to do the work in and through us. When we try to love, we fail. When we try to heal, we fail.

But when we trust Him to love through us by surrendering to the Christ in us, it becomes effortless. The same is said for healing.

The less we strive and do by our own, the more we trust Him, and the more He manifests Himself.

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