Monday 8 January 2024

The Promise Of Peace

The Promise Of Peace

We are constantly looking for peace in the world. We love a country that has peace ---- i.e. Singapore.

But peace is pretty subjective. We judge by outward appearance, but God judges differently.

The peace that God gives is not external peace. It is not about seeking peace in the world. Solomon's life story was a type of what is to come.

The Old Covenant is a foreshadow of the New Covenant, which is the True Substance. God often used physical things in the Old Covenant to point to the spiritual things in the New Covenant. In the Old, the Promised Land was a physical land. In the New, the Promised Land was in the Spirit ---- the Promised Spirit (Gal 3:14).

In the Old, there was peace on the outside (world) during Solomon's days. In the New that we live in, God has not designed for peace to be on the outside (world).

Let me hear Your promise of peace ---- the message every one of Your godly lovers longs to hear. - Ps 85:8 TPT

The promise of Peace in the New Covenant is Jesus Himself.

I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” - Jn 16:33

God put Peace on the inside of your world, so that you can release Peace on the outside of your world. He calms the storm within you so that you can calm the storm without (in the world).

The New Covenant reality is not seeking for peace in a country. It is not about enjoying a nation of peace like Singapore. It is recognising the Peace within you so that you can release Him wherever you go.

Singapore has peace on the outside, but not peace on the inside. That is not prosperity. True prosperity is where the Gospel of the Kingdom has broken into the culture and the system, affecting the peace within.

There are more walking in peace in the third world countries than our nation. And we need to stop thinking that we are doing very well as a nation, and start releasing Peace wherever we go.

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