Wednesday 18 October 2023

We Dominate What We Don't Tolerate

We dominate what we don't tolerate.

Whatever we tolerate in our lives, we lose dominion power over that area. What we tolerate, we don't dominate.

Frustration is not a bad emotion. Emotions are neutral and God-given so that we know the position where we are at. Frustration is a sign of intolerance towards something.

Since the word 'dominion' in Greek means 'power exerting itself in a particular jurisdiction', we can direct our frustration and take dominion over what we are frustrated with, through the power of God.

Few days ago, I experienced some pain on my left hip area. I didn't know why it was there. I actually ignored it for a few days, thinking that it would go away. But it didn't. I got frustrated and took dominion over it last night. Today, I woke up and it's gone.

You dominate what you don't tolerate.

This is not just limited to healing, but for every area in the Kingdom.

Sometimes, we can be so used to something that we no longer get frustrated over it. For example, I have been wearing glasses since young. It has become a part of me. I don't feel frustrated over it. I should. But it hasn't gotten to that point where I don't tolerate it. 

I have ministered to people and they got healed from shortsightedness. But I have not fully taken dominion over my own shortsightedness. I had tried to live without glasses for two days. I entered the lift and I couldn't find the lift buttons to the level that I needed to go LOL.

I couldn't see many things. I acted so weird, that my wife felt embarrassed haha. But I didn't persist through, because I tolerated it. Perhaps it's time to get fed-up again.

If a stranger enters your house, you will drive him out. If a stranger has become your friend, you will let him stay in your house.

Well, you and I are the 'house' of God. If your body feels different, you need to get frustrated and take dominion over it. Drive out the stranger.

If you have been living with it since many years ago (like my shortsightedness), and the 'stranger' has become your 'friend', it's not easy, but I believe it can still be done.

Many believers allow flu and cold to be their best friend. They called it the 'common flu'. Just because it is common for majority does not mean that it has to be common to you. Most believers lose dominion in the area of flu. They saw many healings, but they couldn't heal a flu. It's not that difficult. We need to get frustrated with it in order to take dominion over it.

Here's the thing. Get frustrated quickly when a stranger comes. The faster we are intolerant towards it, the more effective our dominion is.

We dominate what we don't tolerate.

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