Wednesday 25 October 2023

Don't Confuse The Old With The New

In the Old, God walked with Adam.
In the New, God walks IN you and through you.

In the Old, God moved before Israel moved.
In the New, God moves when you move.

In the Old, God is with you.
In the New, God is IN you.

In the Old, God came with visitations.
In the New, God comes with habitation.

We keep getting confused in our preaching when we don't understand what the New means. The most powerful gift that God has given to believers is to be ONE with us.

Christ IN you was supposed to be a mystery in times past. But it has been revealed through the Epistles in the Bible.

Today, many of us are still living as though it is still a mystery.

Don't mix the Old with the New. You cannot put new wine into old wineskins. You are a NEW creation. It's not just a good old Bible quotation. It is a powerful reality.

Perhaps we should stop slamming pulpits that talk about the NEW when we are the ones who are confused with covenants.

Every church can over-emphasize in an area. That doesn't make the church heretic. It just means that no church is perfect. Otherwise, so many churches that preach mixed covenants are also heretic, because it's not the Bible.

God is bigger than our imperfection. The fact that God is still using church institutions already proves that He is bigger than our mistakes and imperfection. For His desire is Kingdom.

The fact that God is still using big ego, self-pumped pastors who love attention is the same proof. Because if He can use a donkey to prophesy, there is no one He cannot use.

Controlling spirit is not from God because He allows more freedom in the Body of Christ than you think is possible. Yes, either extreme is bad. You can be so submissive that you obey leaders blindly, or you can be so rebellious that you refuse to listen to anything they say.

When we know how to obey the Holy Spirit, we will know when to obey leaders and when to disobey them. Because God Himself is our Chief Shepherd and Spiritual Covering. And most importantly, both you and Him are ONE.

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