Thursday 12 October 2023

Good Days Begin With Good Words

Good Days Begin With Good Words

1 Peter 3:10 - 'Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit..."

If we want to see good days, it depends on our tongue. What we say determines what we see.

The word 'evil' means 'bad in the widest sense'. It includes everything that is contrary to what is good. Whatever word that proceeds from our mouth, as long as it is not good (according to God), it is evil.

The word 'deceit' means untrue. Whatever we say that is not in line with God's nature, it is considered 'deceit'.

Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Therefore, what we say reveals what is in our heart. If our heart has unbelief, we will speak evil (bad) and deceit (untrue of God's nature). If we speak evil and deceit, it proves that our heart has unbelief.

Sin is caused, first and foremost, by our tongue. The only way to turn away from evil and do good (1 Peter 3:11) is to begin with speaking good and true (of God's nature).

Jesus committed no sin, neither was deceit found in His mouth. - 1 Peter 2:22

Jesus is the Lover of Life, because He is The Life and the Giver of Life. His words are always good and always true. Therefore, He did not sin.

If we want to see good days, it begins with our tongue. This is the simplest yet hardest for us.

We sow into our days by our tongue. Evil (bad) words lead to evil days. Good words lead to good days. God doesn't change our world. He changes our spirit, so that we can change our words. And when we change our words, we change our world.

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