Thursday 24 November 2022

Sudden Revelation on Healing for Christians

Today, I have a sudden revelation on why Christians seem 'harder' to be healed. 

We have seen some cases of Christians healed but the sickness came back again quickly. Non-Christians, however, get healed and stay healed.

Here is what I've got:

When we minister healing to Christians, they might have received it and are thus healed.

But since they are in Christ, they have the same authority as we have. So they can use the authority for good or for bad. Peter in the book of Acts, used the authority (seemingly wrongly) and caused Ananias and Sapphira to die. Paul used the authority and caused Elymas to be blind.

Christians can use the authority with their words by speaking, "Maybe I'm not healed yet; Maybe the symptoms are not really gone; I'm not sure if I'm healed, etc."

As a result, they cancel off the healing which they have received by the authority of their own words.

This could possibly to the reason why it seems 'harder' to get Christians healed.

The Importance of Integrity In Our Words Part 1

The Importance of Integrity In Our Words Part 1

The effectiveness of our words relies on the integrity of our words. One cannot be lying all the time and expect his words to produce fruit at the same time.

God is 100% effective because He cannot lie (Heb 6:18) ---- He kept the integrity of His Word. Every Word spoken by Him shall not return to Him void, but it shall accomplish what He has said (Isa 55:11).

For there to be integrity in our words, it must flow out from our spirit. Because our spirit always agrees with His spirit, and thus, His Word. This means that whatever situation we face, we only speak His Word --- this is the proof that we allow the words to come out from our spirit.

Often, on the contrary, we do the opposite. We speak according to what we feel/think or what don't feel/don't think. The words flow from our body into our soul. It is the reverse.

If we lie enough with our words, our soul will be renewed to that degree, since the flow either moves from our spirit to our soul and body, OR from our body back to our soul.

This is why we can cancel God's words from working in our lives with our words.

Paul said, "We believe and therefore speak." (2 Cor 4:13). Our words, therefore, reveals our believing. If we believe His Word, we speak His Word. The opposite is true. If we don't speak His Word, we don't believe His Word.

The moment when we say, "I am feeling the pain right now", we are actually telling our soul, "I am not healed yet" ---> "God is a liar", and you pluck out every seed of healing that you have received. Because there is no integrity in your words if you are not speaking God's words with integrity.

I know this is a hard message. But I have seen how it works so many times. You either let people think you are crazy in your words but you stay healed, or you simply speak 'humanity' and remain sick.

God doesn't decide if you get healed or not. He has already decided in Isaiah 53:4-5 and 1 Peter 2:24. You and I get to decide if we want to receive what He has already done. He has proven the integrity of His Word for healing when He took the stripes. Now we need to decide if we keep the integrity of our words spoken from our mouths.

In the next part, we will look at how lying in daily living renews our soul wrongly and prevents us (subconsciously) from accepting and agreeing with His Word.

Wednesday 23 November 2022

Word of Wisdom

Word of Wisdom

The word of knowledge reveals the present while the word of wisdom reveals the future.

Brought my son to the children version of go-kart when I heard God speaking to me about the staff's right knee.

I decided to wait for her to finish setting up the go-kart for my son before I approached her. Suddenly, while setting up halfway, a teenage girl lost control of her go-kart and knocked onto the staff's right leg, causing her right knee to be injured (word of wisdom).

She was in pain and limped back to the counter. As I had to watch over my son to ensure that he was manoeuvring well, I thought of approaching her later to minister healing. There was a God-confidence arising within me that she would be totally healed in an instant.

When I went back to the counter, she wasn't there. Her colleague said that she went to take a rest. I requested her colleague to give her a call but he couldn't reach her.

After more than an hour, my son and I went back to look for her. She was at the counter. 

I asked, "How's your right knee?" She replied, "I think something happened to the bone when I was knocked by the go-kart."

I said, "Let me release healing to you.' Looking pretty skeptical, she responded, "No worries about it."

I insisted, "I won't be touching you. Just from a distance." And I exerted authority on the injury, since Christ gave us His authority over every sickness and disease.

Then I got her to test out. She started laughing in amazement before exclaiming, "Oh gosh!!" I said, "Do everything you can to find the pain." She kept testing it, bent her knee, did some squats, etc in astonishment.

I began sharing my own healing testimony and Jesus with her. My son witnessed the whole thing and encountered the living presence of God once again.

I often receive the word of knowledge (present) for healing, but seldom receive the word of wisdom (future) for healing. The word of wisdom could have prevented the need for healing. It is an area where we need to tap into more, not just in the aspect of healing, but in various aspects.

Living the Kingdom life is exciting because each day is an opportunity to wake up and partner with God to manifest His Kingdom. Imagine if we have 5000 walking in this everyday in SG.

Thursday 17 November 2022

Persecution Arises Because Of The Word

Last evening, God spoke to me about taking risk and stepping out in the area of finances. I said, "Yes Father!"

A few hours later, my car was knocked from the back on the road, which means that I would need to spend unnecessarily for the repair.

Immediately, I heard the Word, "Persecution arises because of the Word sown into you."

The enemy always tries to steal, kill and destroy.

When God speaks to you powerfully, the enemy reacts in fear. He would try to steal the word sown into you, so that you would not bear fruit. His goal is to keep you from fulfilling what God has for you.

We would therefore, need to crush the enemy even more intently. Whichever area the enemy tries to steal the word that God has just spoken to you, you increase the aggressiveness and intensity by acting on the word even more.

The opposite of sight is faith. Faith pushes the enemy out of your sight so that God's insight becomes your foresight. The one with the last laugh always wins.

P.S: You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed. - Lev 19:19. The enemy sows tares into your field so that you have two kinds of seed. The field becomes choked and less fruitful.

Monday 7 November 2022

Difference Between The Gospel of Salvation and The Gospel of The Kingdom

The gospel of salvation focuses on counting the number saying the sinner's prayer.

The Gospel of the Kingdom focuses on counting disciples giving their lives to Jesus.

The former is found in churchianity. The latter is found in Christianity. It's a whole world of difference.

Jesus came to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, not the gospel of salvation. We have been so influenced by the American gospel, and we fail to be inspired by the Bible.

This is why while Jesus is absolutely good, people still rejected His message when He preached on earth. I used to think that everybody wants Jesus. That's because I preached the gospel of salvation that Jesus didn't preach. What they want is only the benefits and the blessings without the King.

The Gospel of the Kingdom talks about disciples. Because there is no converts in the Bible. There is a King and you don't invite Him into your life; that's not Bible. You surrender yours to Him.

If we only preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to non-believers like Jesus did, when they say 'Yes', we will see committed souls, not sissianity.

Saturday 5 November 2022

Grateful for My Wife

Grateful for My Wife

My hands were full of groceries as my family and I entered the lift together with a man who was limping. I asked him what happened and he shared that he injured and broke something in his calf.

I said, "Can you give me a few seconds?"

The moment when I said that, my wife immediately and automatically took over all the groceries from my hands (even though they were heavy), so that I could minister to him.

You are always in awe of the look of astonishment on the stranger's face when he gets healed. He said, "Look! What did you do? I can walk now."

And I proceeded to share my own testimony and Jesus with him. People would often ask, "Did you lead him to Jesus?"

Well, I just gave Him to him. Ever since I understood the Gospel of the Kingdom, I no longer lead people to a watered-down gospel of salvation. Because I found that those who say 'Yes' quickly in a moment of emotions to the gospel of salvation are sometimes not born again into the Kingdom. They don't really know what they are in for and thus, it's not a genuine conversion.

When I got into the car, I shared with my wife how John G Lake must have felt in his days. He couldn't let any sick person get past him, because he knew that there's something he carried which would solve the problem.

John G Lake had 100,000 documented healings in 5 years in Spokane. He had a room for doctors to do X-rays/scans and to verify the healings. It wasn't just visible healings, but verified (thus documented) healings. This alone is mind-blowing.

His success rate was so high that he was called Dr Lake. Doctors were not there to cure the patients, but to simply verify the miraculous healings ministered by him. It was all over the newspapers and media in those days.

I have not heard of anyone who walked in such fullness in the area of healing. This always makes me zealous to grow more.

He was just one man. Imagine if we have 5000 men reproduced, we would reign on earth with amazing impact for the Kingdom.

P.S: Just one day before, I had 3 rounds of diarrhoea and vomiting due to food poisoning (probably due to expired prune juice which I drank on the previous night). My head was spinning and I had no appetite for anything. Thus my wife said, "If you don't want any medication, at least take probiotics. It's not really medicine. Don't be stubborn."

But yeah I'm stubborn when it comes to healing. So I said No, because I got Jesus and released healing to myself. On the next day, which is today, I woke up and ate normally. During lunch, I ate some spicy stuff, followed by coffee, which is an absolute no-go for someone who had food poisoning just a day ago. Went to work, did groceries shopping and ministered to the guy in the lift.

There is a powerful Kingdom of God living inside every believer, which we seldom tap into. We often surrender too quickly in the midst of discomfort. But the Comforter will manifest Himself when we decide to lean on Him and let Him flow from our spirit to our body by the act of our soul. This is called Romans 8:2 and Romans 8:11.

Thursday 3 November 2022

Important Difference Between Miracles And Healings

Important Difference Between Miracles And Healings

Alot of believers are looking for miracles but they don't understand healings. There is an important difference.

Miracles are instantaneous.
Healings are progressive.

Mark 16:17-18 talks about laying hands on the sick and they will recover. This includes both healings and miracles.

The point is that either God is a liar or is telling the truth. If He is the Truth (John 14:6), then the moment when you lay hands on the sick, healing begins.

Yes, we always expect miracles when we minister ---- the instantaneous. Yet sometimes, it's healing ---- progressive.

However, believers are always limited to miracles, that they fail to see that healing has already started. As a result, after they get ministered to, they think, "God is not healing yet. I don't see any difference. I don't feel any difference. The symptoms are still there."

And they pull out the seed of healing that was already planted into them. In other words, they 'cancel' the healing. Therefore, they don't see the result.

What we need is to thank God for the healing and continue to expect it to come to completion. We can continue to receive 'more' healing 'added' to what has already begun, either by receiving on our own, or going back to other believers to be ministered again.

Sometimes, it involves a fight. Because while the healing has begun, the sickness can try to destroy faster than the healing. So we need to receive more until life overwhelms every form of death.

In John G Lake's time, He didn't always see results instantly. He had people coming back to his Healing Rooms for a period of 30 days until they got healed. They kept going back every day until they got healed. That's tenacity and persistence.

If we want to win the fight, we need to STAND.