Friday 29 October 2021

Media as False Prophets

Media as False Prophets

While believers are slamming one another’s pulpit calling out false prophets, I believe that the devil is having a party behind with his demons laughing at our stupidity and our lack of unity.

Because while Christians are still thinking religion and it's inner circle, the devil is thinking about the whole world for his kingdom.

The word ‘false prophets’ in Mark 13:22 also means ‘one who specialises in the art of misimpression.’ Sounds familiar? Just take a look at the world media today.

How can the enemy deceive many at one go, including the elect (believers)? I don’t think it’s as simple as using the pulpit, because that will only deceive a small handful of believers and you know what? Non-believers are NOT there!

For him to deceive the world and many of the believers at one go, perhaps MEDIA is the system of false prophets that he’s using to create misimpression of what truth looks like.

Behold! We need to be spiritually discerned, lean on the Spirit of truth and go after the Good News way more than ever before.

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