Saturday 7 August 2021

Word Of Knowledge

Word Of Knowledge

At a healing meeting yesterday, people got healed while listening to the message and others got healed by ordinary believers ministering to one another (without laying hands due to social distancing), simply with the authority of Christ. I love to see people empowered instead of a superstar one-man show praying for people.

Don't just teach that God wants to heal. Teach also on identity and authority in every believer. And get them to do the works of the kingdom. It is a natural human inclination to want to be the one to minister. Thus, it takes a simple restraint to stop yourself from doing it and let the people do it so that God gets the glory and not you. Your flesh needs to shut up.

This continues to prove one thing: God confirms His Word (instead of the 'chosen' Man of God). If God can use a donkey (also translated as an ass), He can use anyone to do the impossible. The moment when you think that you are specially 'anointed', you fall from the place of the Cross, because it's annoying to God.

There was a word of knowledge for a bank account. Nobody responded. At the end of the meeting, one guy came up to the front and revealed his bank account number. He said, "I didn't remember my account number, so I went to check it. Here it is. Few days ago, someone just prophesied that I would have a financial increase. And now this happens."

The word of knowledge is as simple as speaking in tongues. You just need to keep practising it by faith. There is no mystery to unlock it. There is no special key to unlock it. We have made it too complicated. It is as simple as hearing God's voice daily. Sometimes, you hit it. Sometimes, you miss it. But you don't stop. You keep going. You keep sharpening. You keep getting better. And you take a step further and deeper by faith. You stretch abit more. And you grow more. When we are not afraid of making a fool of ourselves, we are in the right place to grow in word of knowledge.

Do not think that there are special people, because you have the same Holy Spirit in you. You just have to step out. I started ministering to the sick without any WOK. But I kept practising when opportunities arise. That's how I grew.

Many people want to have a platform, but the platform does not form you. What you need is simply a desire to bless people. It is more blessed to give than to receive ----- and it's not always about money. You are blessed when you step out in faith to give WOK to others. Why? You grow in it.

P.S: Will I get a WOK for Toto & 4D?

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