Saturday 14 August 2021

No Sugar-Coating

Jesus does not sugar-coat His message in the name of love. Because Love (1 John 4:8) & Truth (John 14:6) are on the same side of the coin (John 1:17).

In order to love, one must speak the truth (not in a harsh manner unless you are talking to the religious ones or your immediate disciple ---- Jesus did it), even if someone is hurt by it. If truth hurts the person, he/she will need to process through why truth hurts.

When Peter spoke truth, the people were cut to their hearts.
When Paul spoke truth, some believed while some were offended.
When Jesus spoke truth, some believed while some tried to stone Him.

When I shared that it is always God's will and timing to heal now, some got offended and stopped me from going back to speak, which is totally fine to me. My message must either convict OR offend. Anything in between shows that I'm not confident of the truth, and it will just be a ted talk, a form of godliness without power.

If your message tickles ears and pleases everyone, it is not the Gospel. If everyone gets saved whenever you share the Gospel, you are probably preaching a watered-down Gospel without the Kingdom message. For even Jesus and Paul had non-believers (Greek) rejecting their Gospel message. So if you have 100% hit rate, you are probably above God.

Since I have come out of an institution years ago, I am no longer keen to hear the 'Does preaching such truths show love to the people when they are not ready to accept it?" We don't decide for people. Not everyone has to be ready to accept. We just need to be faithful to do what the Master has told us to do ----- preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. 


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