Tuesday 17 August 2021

Solving Crimes and Social Issues through Word of Knowledge

Solving Crimes and Social Issues through Word of Knowledge

A great article to read on if you want to grow in the prophetic and use word of knowledge beyond the four walls of the church into the social arena.

Dano Mccollam has been doing these for 7 years. He has a team of 400 people focusing on finding missing people, solving crimes and social issues through word of knowledge. The success rate is currently at 10% (1 out of 10 missing people is found), which is pretty good because every life counts!

What does it mean for ordinary believers? Every single one of you can step into this. It is not reserved for a selected few.

It’s about the desire to grow and to take risks for the Kingdom because of Love.

P.S: Don’t grow in ministry skills. Grow in life skills. That’s Kingdom.

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