Tuesday 10 August 2021

spirit of darkness

spirit of darkness

Many people love our country. I love my country too. We must understand that our country is not represented by the leadership, it is represented by the people.

You can find kind, generous, compassionate and loving people in our country, and they are usually not in a certain sector where it is oppressive. The culture with an oppressive spirit can cause someone to behave in like manner.

Thankfully, Singaporeans are not like this in general.

As believers, we need to understand that we are living in a world where wickedness (in the spirit realm) is real. But we don't have to be subject to it because we are children of God.

We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. - 1 John 5:19

In the Greek, it simply means that the whole world lies in subjection to the evil one. But we are not of this world as His children. We can trample over the evil one (Luke 10:19) by not subjecting to him.

Having said that, we also need to acknowledge that it is nothing unusual for the world or/and our nation to get darker as time goes by. But the Body of Christ should shine brighter, so that the contrast is even wider.

If the Body of Christ is only as dark as the world as time goes by, how great we have fallen. In other words, as time goes by, the differences between the church and the world SHOULD become more and more evident.

If your church is similar to the world that we are living in as time goes by, I would suggest that you get out of that church because it has become angel of light in disguise (2 Cor 11:14). You don't have to wait until five appearances of angels, three thunder blasts, two lightning bolts, and one audible voice from heaven telling you to leave. It is in the Word that you do not fellowship with darkness. 

Yes, we need to unite together as the Body of Christ, but you don't unite with one that is assimilating darkness as light (Matt 6:23).

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