Sunday 11 July 2021

Vaccinated By The Blood

Since the g has decided to d̵i̵s̵c̵r̵i̵m̵i̵n̵a̵t̵e̵ separate those who have taken the vexination and those who have not, that mentality will soon be imparted to its residents.

It seems that those who have been vexinated are fearful of those who haven’t. By simple logic, those who haven’t should be more fearful of those who have, IF the vexine is indeed working. Apparently, it is not.

Anyway, logic does not work when the spirit realm is involved. It’s called the spirit of fear and intimidation. It has also crept into the church.

Soon, the common question when you enter a place or a group will be, “Have you taken your vexination?” If you haven’t, the place/group may not want to admit you in (because of the spirit of fear).

Perhaps we should just reply, “Yes. I have been vexinated”, in order to keep the peace in the situation. But we know deep inside that it’s vexination by the blood of Christ.

Someone might ask, “Which vexine did you take?” Because they want more assurance.

We can only reply, “My vexine i̵s̵ ̵n̵o̵t̵ ̵o̵f̵ ̵t̵h̵i̵s̵ ̵w̵o̵r̵l̵d̵ is not under the national programme.”

“What is the name of it?”

“跟̶你̶讲̶你̶又̶听̶不̶懂̶, 带̶你̶去̶又̶太̶远̶ ̵” “Yeshua Hamashiach”

The spirit of fear is real. But the Spirit of Power, of Love and of a Sound Mind is way Greater.

Photo credits: Power & Love SG 2018 volunteers

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