Thursday 8 July 2021

Hurting Your Faith

Hurting Your Faith

There are things in life that can either reinforce our faith or hurt our faith. We have a choice and we can choose it wisely. As far as you want to grow, you will be very focused and determined in your choices.

Each time when we do something that contradicts our faith, we bruise it. We hurt it. If we shipwreck our conscience, we shipwreck our faith.

For example, I do not take medication. Because my conscience in the area of healing and health has reached a point where I cannot take it without hurting my faith. This is not legalism. Neither is it everyone's required standard. If I shipwreck my conscience, I will shipwreck my faith.

Another example. Feeding bad news regularly hurts our faith. Faith comes from hearing Good News. But fear comes from hearing bad news. You cannot desire to grow in faith yet you love to watch bad news.

Each time when I watch a China/Korean drama series that involve sickness, hospitalisation, accident, etc., I will naturally respond in ministering healing to the character in the screen. I think both my wife and my son think I'm crazy. It started off a few times as a natural reaction, but soon it became deliberate on my end, because I do not allow carnality to enter my mind and defile it.

Recently, while a similar scene happened on the screen, God spoke to me, "If you keep watching this, it will hurt your faith." I brushed it aside and it kept coming back. So I'm making a decision to stop watching shows related to doctors. Again, this is not legalism. This is conviction. Yeah I might be extreme. But I rather be effective in the Kingdom, than be lukewarm in this area.

You and I only get one shot in this temporal life. We can either be intentional or live convenient. I have ONE thing that I am going after. 

What is yours?

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