Friday 4 June 2021

Narrow Path Leads To Life

Narrow Path Leads To Life

The general SG culture is similar to the general church culture. It is, however, not the same as the Kingdom culture. You can be in church, but not in the Kingdom, and if you are not in the Kingdom, you are not in Christ.

Choosing the narrow path is often being labeled as a rebel, though it is not openly mentioned. If you try to go against the mainstream, not because you are rebellious, but because you saw LIFE in the narrow, alternate path, you need to be prepared for the consequences. For by choosing so, you are indirectly exposing the insecurities of the mainstream - be it the nation's culture (political, educational, etc.) or the religious culture.

By choosing my wife who is more senior than me, we were both forbidden from stepping up in church ministry. Anyway, that was really donkey years ago even before I went full-time in church ministry. This shows that while men could try to stop and suppress you, they cannot stop God from lifting you up.

By choosing homeschooling, my wife was pressured to leave her teaching job permanently when other teachers could take no-paid leave to care for their children.

By choosing homeschooling, we were forbidden from accessing the free educational resources from MOE, while other children who are studying overseas and not in MOE schools are given access to those resources instead. And yet, we still have to take the same PSLE.

By choosing a 'Christ-and-Him-crucified' theology, I was asked to take my theology into a seminary class for debate. I'm not into debate anyway. You can study into PHD and still not know the Bible. By the way, I left seminary halfway (due to having many things on my plate) and decided not to go back because I prefer to study the Bible instead of man-made theories, since the first disciples didn't graduate from the School of Raising the Dead either. It's not about how much you know, but how much you believe the Bible and walk it out.

By choosing to believe in divine health and healing and taking risks in the kingdom, I was regarded as weird and extreme.

These aside, we need to be very focused because distractions are the wiles of the enemy. I would have stopped taking the narrow path if I want the easy way out. This is why Jesus said that 'Only ONE thing is necessary."

When I was born again, I was given the word 'reformed'. I didn't know why, but now I looked back and I understood.

The narrow path is one that differs from the majority/mainstream. As a result, offenses are inevitable, not because you want to, but because it comes in a package.

You and I are not created to remain status quo. Your assignment is to take dominion on earth. To take dominion also means that you have to take action for whatever you can in your sphere of influence.

Remember: God and you are the true majority.

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