Thursday 24 June 2021

Intimacy: The Word

How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth. - Ps 119:103

He longs to feed us personally as we get personal with His Word. The Word becomes a lamp unto our feet and a light for our path.

Revelation (heart knowledge) comes from first-hand intimacy. There is no shortcut. Neither does it come by a third party teaching because that can only impart head knowledge.

Devotionals, books, sermons, online teachings, seminaries, Bible classes, etc are good, but they can never replace a personal quest to go after Him directly in the Word called The Bible.

In other words, only you can decide how intimate you want to be with Him. And yes, it’s your responsibility and your choice. No one can stop you except you.

P.S: God is not in control with this one.

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