Friday 25 June 2021

How To Get/Keep Your Healing

How To Get/Keep Your Healing

If we can get our own healing, we can keep the healing. If we know how to resist sickness, we can stay healed.

This is exceptionally important, because you don’t want to keep running to people to minister to you. If the enemy knows that you can’t resist him, he will keep coming back to attack you.

Start with simple ailment. If we don’t learn to resist ‘small’ ailment, we won’t be ready for anything that comes after that.

Faith is needed for healing. According to the late John G Lake, faith and virtue (the power of God) brings instant/quick healing.

This is why the baptism of the Holy Spirit is vital. If you haven’t gotten it, ask and receive it.

To the degree you decide, agree and believe in the power of God within you, to that degree your healing takes place quickly.

When you allow the power of God (virtue) to flow from your spirit to your body by faith, healing can become instant or quick.

Faith is simply a response to His Grace. Grace is what God has already given to you because of the finished works of Christ. Healing is included in His redemption.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God:

1) Study the Scriptures on healing (New Covenant understanding)

2) Read all the healing testimonies throughout the Gospel books and the book of Acts

3) Read/listen to present healing testimonies

4) Decide that by His stripes, you were healed. Believe it and speak it

5) Start thanking Him because it is done by His stripes

6) Start acting as though you are healed

7) Continue 5) and 6) until you see all symptoms leave.

Note: Do NOT contradict what you say, even in front of others or loved ones. Only say what is in the Word. You can either be nice and die early or you can stick with the truth and live long.

How you keep your healing is how you get your healing. You just continue to believe, speak and do.

By His stripes, you were healed. By the same token, you stay healed.

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