Thursday 21 January 2021

USA Prophecies

It’s okay to take risks and make mistakes. That’s boldness and faith.

Personal prophecy requires personal apology. Public prophecy requires public apology. It is the test of humility.

However, there will be many who insist that they are right and continue to release more future dates about how things will suddenly shift. This is why prophecy is abused and mocked by many when it is meant for edification, encouragement and comfort. God has apparently become men’s machine to release any pathetic, I mean, prophetic words to suit their own desires.

Eventually, even if things change, it is NOT because of any prophetic word. But men on earth decided to take dominion and authority that Christ has already given.

Make no mistake. Jesus is King. Man is not. The Kingdom of God does not come into the political realm. It comes to take over. Beware of the leaven of the Sadducees (Read: Seduce you into politics such that you cannot see the Kingdom).

If our God is only as big as one man, then perhaps we worship a different one.

God uses the least to shame the wise. I suspect He can use any donkey (submitted to Him) to change anything.

Prophecies are great but unfortunately they can never be as accurate as the Word of God that stands forever.

P.S: If prophecies don’t point you to Christ but men, it’s close to witchcraft.

P.P.S: Confusion is not of God but the enemy. Well-played by him to confuse the Body of Christ and get them distracted from the King and His reign. There have been so many hatred, maligning and accusations going on among the ones who are called to love. It’s demonic in nature and it’s the works of the enemy. Time to get back into our primary commission.

Meme credits: Shalom Gata

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