Tuesday 12 January 2021

The Wrong View

The Wrong View

There are 7-8 covenants (depending on how you divide them) in the Bible.

If we don’t understand the covenants in which God relates to men, we will misunderstand the nature and the heart of God.

The God who is loving and just has never changed (Mal 3:6; Heb 13:8). Yet our view and interpretation of Him keeps changing because we are viewing Him through the world and our personal circumstances. Sometimes we are also viewing Him through the wrong covenant.

My wife’s conversation with her friend reveals how important it is to understand the various covenants in the Bible.

One of the best ways to know the covenants is to read through the whole 66 books of the Bible chronologically because the Bible is the unfolding of one main story, instead of bits and pieces.

P.S: If you haven’t read through all 66 books chronologically, don’t talk about how much you know who God is. Chances are... it’s bits and pieces.

Disclaimer: I’m not saying that one has full knowledge of who God is even after reading all the 66 books.

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