Sunday 3 January 2021

Finding Breakthroughs On Your Own

Finding Breakthroughs On Your Own

It is easy to ask someone for help when you need. However, you will stay at that stage of needing help continually and won’t be able to know the True Helper who is present at all times.

Note: This is for believers who have Him.

And David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because all the people were bitter in soul, each for his sons and daughters. But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God. - 1 Sam 30:6

When the enemies and his own brethen were against him, David knew that God is His ever-present help. He found strength in the Lord.

David lived in the Old Covenant. We are in the New —— a more superior covenant than what David had.

If we can’t find strength on our own in the Lord, we will forever be dependent on people. There is a place of intimacy where it is only between you and Him. To get to that place, you will need to seek Him without seeking men.

Every breakthrough you need is already in you, since Christ in you is the Hope of glory. Each time when you struggle, you step out in faith to do the very thing that you struggle with.

To bless others when you are filled is pretty easy. It doesn’t take faith.

But to bless others when you are in need proves that you believe in His Word. It takes faith to trust that His Word is true regardless of your situation. That’s authentic faith.

If you are in need of healing, go and minister healing to others.

If you are in need of finances, find someone to bless.

If you are in need of help, go and help someone.

You sow your way out of your needs. You come out of your struggle by helping someone with theirs. Stop focusing on you and start focusing on Him who will meet your needs when you seek first His Kingdom & His righteousness.

Many don’t experience breakthroughs because they are only seeking and waiting for someone to help them. You will never grow up if you remain in pity-party.

We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. If we with God don’t know how to help ourselves, how are we going to represent Him to help those who do not know Him?

In 2021, it’s time to find breakthroughs on our own. It’s time to get into the Word (Bible alone) instead of the next sermon and Christian book. If we don’t know how to receive from Him directly, we will remain defeated by the enemy.

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