Tuesday 12 January 2021

Known For Overpowering Hell

Known For Overpowering Hell

On this Rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. - Matt 16:18

The word 'church' is 'ekklésia' in Greek, which means the 'called out' ones. We are called out from the world into the Kingdom of God, not into religion.

Since the 'ekklesia' is the governing body from God's Kingdom where hell cannot prevail against it, as a church, we are not to be known for the size of weekly attendance or membership. We are to be known for overpowering hell and shutting the works of the devil on earth.

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. - Matt 16:19

The 'ekklesia' has been given His delegated authority to bind the devil on earth and set people free (loose). Yet religion is still pleading, hoping and asking God to do the job.

Try asking your boss to do the job that he has already delegated to you at your workplace and see if he calls that humility. 

Oh and try shifting the outcome and responsibility to your boss when the job is not done properly by you, and see if he says, "Don't worry, I am responsible for the outcome".

If we do not use His delegated authority to overpower hell, perhaps we are not 'ekklesia', but a religious party.

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