Tuesday 17 November 2020

The Power of The Word

The Power of The Word

The mind is in the soul realm. The brain & the body cells are in the body realm. The spirit is in the spirit realm.

Mind renewal (Rom 12:2) based on the Word of His power takes place in the soul realm, thus allowing the Spirit of Life to flow into our body realm (Rom 8:11).

The soul realm (mind) is the doorway for the Life to flow into the body realm. This is why mind renewal is the only way to true, lasting freedom (John 8:32).

The proof of mind renewal doesn’t lie with what you say; it lies with your body and your actions. When your body and your actions are in line with the will of God, it proves that your mind is renewed.

Since our brain controls our body and our actions, our brain must be healthy and functioning correctly. If our mind can re-wire our brain, then we need to be serious and diligent in renewing our mind according to the Word (2 Cor 10:4-5)

When I think about how God has already provided His Word for us to renew our mind, it drives me to worship Him. Every tool that is necessary for life transformation (including freedom from sin and sickness) has been GIVEN to us. 

The problem doesn’t lie with God. It lies with men not taking the tools seriously and use them for His glory. They blame God (whether directly or indirectly) for what happened to them. They get disappointed with God for appearing passive towards them.

We need to cut all these out and start taking responsibility for the privilege and the power that God has already provided for us.

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