Friday 27 November 2020

Medical Skeptics

It took several years of unchanging conviction in the face of trials before my wife began to agree more and more with me, when it comes to divine health and healing.

As a woman and a mother, she naturally inclined towards what the doctors say, for they are supposed to be professionals. However, after seeing, encountering and witnessing how consistent conviction brought about health, healing and results, she is now skeptical towards doctors (just as I am).

Disclaimer: I’m not here to put down any doctor. For those doctors who genuinely desire to serve, we are all in the same healing department. But there are also many who simply want your $$$ without good conscience, and often doing much guesswork. My trust cannot be in medical researches and medical science. It has to be in Jesus. If you know how I went through so many different medical departments in the past, you will know why my trust can never be in doctors.

I realised something very important as husbands (head of the household). Our beliefs will shape the beliefs of the whole household. As long as we stand firm, and remain unwavering and consistent in what we believe, we will convince the whole family to walk in complete alignment.

As head of the household, we need to be unshaken by shakeable circumstances and opinions (even from the same household).

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