Thursday 19 November 2020

Fear Is An Indicator

Fear shows you where you are at. Love leads you where you should be.

Fear is learnt. A baby is born into this world without fear, unless he learns it in the womb and the circumstances around him. When the child interacts with his world, he begins to learn fear from his experiences and his associations.

Love, on the other hand, is created, since we are created in the image of God who is Love (1 John 4:8). We are born by love and to love.

Love gives us boldness (1 John 4:17) and faith (Gal 5:6) that frees us from fear. Since perfect love [imparts boldness] to cast out fear [except the fear of God] (1 John 4:18), anytime when we are fearful in an area, it is an indicator of where we are at.

When we are fearful in that area, it reveals that love is not perfected in that area. In other words, we need to know the love of God for us in that area more, until fear is cast out.

For example, if you are fearful of lack when your bank account balance is reaching zero, what you really lack is not money; what you really lack is knowing the love of God for you in the area of providence. 

Perfect love will empower us to see beyond the visible into the invisible so that we can appropriate the inheritance we have in Christ. Grace has already provided for us everything we need in this world. We just need to receive by faith through His love.

When we know His love, we position ourselves to be led to where we should be ----- maturity as the manifested sons of God.

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