Friday 29 November 2019

Healing Flows Within

Healing Flows Within

I haven't been sharing healing testimonies for some time, after realising that those testimonies pointed people to me instead of Christ. That's the last thing I wanted. I had thought that testimonies would draw people to go after Him. But apparently, it didn't happen that way. My heart is to empower people to walk in this. That's the reason why I wrote the book on divine healing.

I'm sharing the following incident because I learnt a powerful principle when ministering healing today. In fact, I have been pondering deep about the Gospel and the kingdom of God recently. There seems to be something that I am missing about the Gospel which I thought I already knew on the inside out. This healing incident appears to be God teaching me further about the Gospel.

I went to the service centre to collect my coffee machine due to the same fault that happened last month. While waiting for the lady in charge of Breville to come out from her room (her colleague said that she's engaged on the phone), I had a word of knowledge for her healing.

She stepped out of her room with my coffee machine and I asked her, "Do you have any problem with your left foot?" She was taken aback, because I haven't even met her. But you don't need to see a person to have God speak to you about the person. For He is all-knowing and all-present.

She said, "Yes. How did you know? It has been there in recent months and it goes from my left thigh to my left foot. This is why I can't wear heels now."

I touched her finger and remained silent. You actually don't have to touch anyone or say any word to release healing. It's all about identity (I wrote this teaching in my book). I touched her finger to put her at ease, because she was already shocked.

To my surprise, she could pick up vibrations and told me how the vibrations traveled from me to various parts of her body. Personally, I don't go after manifestations. If there is, praise God. If there isn't, I walk by faith (truth). I have learnt to exalt truth (faith) above manifestations. Manifestations are shakable and uncertain. But truth (faith) always stands unshakable and unwavering.

Yet this particular manifestation has taught me a principle, which I'm searching through the Scriptures. I ignore spiritual experiences that are not grounded in the Word. Because I'm anal about the Word.

This lady said, "I can feel the vibrations coming from you." I asked, "You can feel?" She replied, "Yes. I'm very sensitive to this. In fact, when I walked out of the room to meet you, I felt that very positive energy flowing out of you and I can't explain it."

Note: This should encourage every believer. The Spirit of Christ within you is literally the hope of glory. The word 'glory' in the Greek also means 'divine quality' and 'unspoken manifestation of God'. In the Hebrew, 'kabod' means 'to be heavy or weighty'. It is a tangible manifestation of God. You may not feel it. But people can feel it.

She continued, "The vibrations enter my heart area now." Then she carried on describing the process of the flow. 

"It's now going down my body."
"It's going to my left leg and left foot. I now feel the tingling on my left foot."

Note: All these while... I was feeling NOTHING. I walked by faith, not by sight.

I learnt something... Many people say that our spirit rests in our belly (or near belly area). They quote from John 7:38, "He that believeth on Me, as the scripture hath said, out of his BELLY shall flow rivers of living water." (KJV, emphasis added)

I checked out various translations. NKJV, ESV and NASB use the word 'heart' and 'innermost being'. I checked out the Greek. In the context of John 7:38, it uses the word 'the innermost part of a man, the soul, heart, as the seat of thought, feeling, choice...'

In the Hebrew, it is the word בֶּטֶן. When translated to English, it uses the word 'belly'. But in the original word, it is the 'innermost part of a man.'

I believe that it is referring to our heart. The Old Testament and the New Testament have a parallel passage.

Keep your HEART with all vigilance, for from it FLOW the springs of LIFE. - Prov 4:23 (emphasis added)

Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, 'Out of his HEART will FLOW rivers of LIVING water.'” - John 7:38 (emphasis added)

Even our seat of thought comes from our heart.

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. - Prov 23:7

This is why when our heart is sick, our body gets sick (Prov 13:12; 3 John 2).

Could it be that our spirit (joined to His Spirit) rests in our heart? The kingdom of God flows from there. Healing flows from there. It always starts from within.

The ministry of healing for that Breville lady began from my spirit (heart) to her spirit (heart). The spirit man doesn't need a medium, which is why I don't have to touch or even say anything. The spirit travels in the Spirit. That explains why we see so many healings over a distance, over phone conversations, over the internet and over nations/continents without being physically present there to minister healing.

The lady felt the vibrations first in her heart (spirit). Healing always flows from our spirit, through our soul to our body. It works the same way when we minister to others. Because this energy/vibrations/power/healing/spirit travels in the Spirit.

When she described that the vibrations were moving down from her heart (spirit), she was in tears (soul) and she felt them reaching her foot (body).

The kingdom of God always starts from within (Luke 17:21). It flows from the spirit, through the soul, to the body, and into the atmosphere and culture around us. This is why our very seat of thought (in the heart) can take dominion on earth. 

Just a thought or an intent can heal the sick. Just a thought can cast out demons ---- you don't even need to speak or command the demons to leave, because dominion happens in the spirit and the demon is also in the spirit. Just a thought can raise the dead (like how God raised Jesus).

I'm seeing a whole world of possibilities (Eph 3:20) with the power of identity and the kingdom of God. When we learn to direct our innermost being, we will fulfill the Lord's prayer "Your kingdom and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

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