Tuesday 5 November 2019

The God of Many Doors

The God of Many Doors

And a door was opened to me by the Lord, I had no rest in my spirit... - 2 Cor 2:12-13

God is not just the God who opens one door. He is the God who opens more than one. Having unrest (no peace within) in our spirit does not necessarily mean that it is not of God. For just as God speaks in so many ways, He works through many doors. 

Do not limit Him as though there is only one way. Yes. He is The Way, but through Him, there are many ways in the journey of faith. 

Stop fearing that your decision is not the best and allow it to cripple you from living. Start living by faith and cripple your fears.

"All roads lead to Rome" is true when all roads are traveled by faith in Him. While you are still waiting for God's best, God is waiting for you to trust Him with your best.

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