Wednesday 27 November 2019

Our Trust Must Be In Redemption

Our Trust Must Be In Redemption

Today, many people trust in organic, special diet and exercise. Those who are involved in such businesses earn a lucrative income, because these are more often driven by fears. One of the most powerful techniques in sales & marketing is to use fear. Induce fears and you will get the sales result.

As believers, our trust must not be in creation. Everything that has been created has fallen due to the Fall; that includes organic food. Research has shown that even the term 'organic' is subjective. Every source of organic food has different levels of 'organic'. In today's world where marketing is champion and $$$ is more important than integrity, no one knows which food is really organic or 100% organic. To trust in the labels of food products or companies is to trust in what is shakeable and uncertain.

The only unshakeable and unchanging truth is the Word of truth. Redemption must be what we trust in, as believers.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying that you should just eat junk. But if your conscience and faith allow you to do so, no junk will by any means harm you, because of divine protection. On the other hand, if your conscience doesn't allow you to do so, do not shipwreck your faith. The main issue is that we must not fall into the trap of trusting in creation.

Below is a short devotional by JP

"When Adam sinned and fell, everything about creation fell. Yet, people today are still putting their trust in creation. For example, they try to become healthy by eating what is called the “Eden diet”—vegetables and no meat. They are acting as if creation did not fall. They also forget that there are people who eat well and exercise regularly, and still drop dead in the prime of their lives!

Thank God that what creation cannot do, redemption can and did. Jesus demonstrated this when He spat on the ground, made clay with the saliva and put it on a blind man’s eyes (see John 9:6–7). Now, it is certainly unusual to put clay on a blind man’s eyes because he would become doubly blind!

So why did Jesus do that?

He was demonstrating to us that all our body parts come from the ground and that because creation is fallen, the work of creation cannot open a blind man’s eyes. But the work of redemption can! That is why He sent the blind man to the pool of Siloam. The word “Siloam” means “Sent,” referring to the sent one, Jesus. When the blind man washed his eyes in the pool of the sent one, he received supernatural healing for his eyes.

Beloved, when we go to Jesus, the sent one who came to redeem us with the price of His blood, and we rest in His finished work, we will receive the miracle we need. If we believe that by His stripes we are healed (see Isaiah 53:5), we will have greater health than those who trust in creation.

Jesus was sent to redeem us from every curse that came upon creation with the fall of Adam (see Galatians 3:13). He has redeemed us from sickness, pain, sorrow, depression, poverty and even death. The world may know Him as the Creator. But today, we know Him as our Redeemer. Where the work of creation cannot save us, His work of redemption can and has!" ------ Taken from JP Devotional

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