Tuesday 17 December 2019

What Is The Gospel? Part 1

What Is The Gospel? Part 1

Since I was born again, I had been taught what the Gospel is, and how I should share the Gospel with others.

Over the years, it has become such a strong foundation that I assume that I knew fully about the Gospel and how to share it with others.

I have been doing lifestyle evangelism for many years, reaching people in the streets, malls, cafes, coffee shops, restaurants, hotels, flights, Grab cars, taxi, buses, toilets, and a whole list more. I call it 'lifestyle', because it's when I'm going about doing the daily stuff that I reach out to people whom I meet.

Recently, I was nudged deep within by the Holy Spirit to re-look into what the Gospel is about. I discovered that most of us (myself included) have been sharing an incomplete Gospel while reaching the lost in the streets. In fact, I haven't heard anyone (within my limited exposure in the people I know) sharing the full Gospel to the lost.

Note: In some cases of street ministry that I heard, I'm pretty appalled at how the Gospel was presented, i.e. "Do you want to walk in the same healing power as I do? Receive Jesus now." 

Oh yes, I do question if such so-called 'born again' person is really saved in the first place, when the Gospel is simply presented haphazardly. There are people who can’t wait to share another salvation testimony. Come on, salvation is not a number game. It doesn’t matter how many you have clocked if you don’t present the full Gospel. If I present an incomplete Gospel, I think almost 99% of people I reach will be “born again”.

Having zeal is good, but it must not come at the expense of knowledge (truth).

I deeply pondered if this is one of the reasons why we have a shallow Christianity in Singapore. Oh yes... you can walk in signs and wonders and still be extremely shallow in discipleship. Gifts do not equate to maturity because the former is given, while the latter requires surrendering.

People have classified the Gospel into so many types:
- Gospel of salvation
- Gospel of the kingdom
- Gospel of Grace 
- Gospel of Christ 

I took time to study every passage in the New Testament on the Gospel and I realised that I didn't know what I assume I knew in sharing the Gospel to the lost. It had become so natural to me that I didn't even think twice when sharing the Gospel with others. 

What we know can keep us from what we need to know.

There is only one Gospel in the Bible. The various types are simply man-made.

In the next part, we will look into the Scriptures and see the Gospel that was preached by Jesus and the command He gave concerning the Gospel.

P.S: The Gospel is not about you. Hence, the Gospel of Grace is only half complete.

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