Saturday 29 June 2019

Xperiential Outreach Testimonies

I haven't been recording testimonies for a long time. It takes time to recall the details and pen them down one by one. Furthermore, if you have a few testimonies daily or bi-daily, it is impossible to blog and catch up. Lifestyle Christianity does not necessary permit lifestyle testimony blogging haha.

Here are some testimonies from our group Xperiential outreach last night at Haji Lane. So many non-believers came to be ministered. Sharing some of the testimonies where I got to minister:

1) A Filipino lady sat down. Before she drew a card, God spoke and we saw the word “Anna” above her head or “Ann”. So we asked, “Is Anna familiar?” She said, “My name is Ann and my mum is Anna.” Her friends were shocked. God spoke and we said “her knees have problems, arthritic issue?” She replied, “Yes. She has been complaining about that.”

So we ministered healing in proxy and asked her to check with her mum when she’s home.

Then we said, “Draw a card.” Can’t really remember what she drew. I think it’s “A blessing for old age or something related.” God spoke and we said, “You are going after social justice. Your sense of right and wrong is very strong and you will stand up and fight for people concerning justice.”

She said, “I’m studying humanity and I want to be a lawyer.” She went Wow and she started to tear. We continued speaking on what God has put in her for this call and she kept crying.

She’s blown away and wondered, “How come you didn’t use the card? Everything you said is not in the card. Cut the long story short, we shared the Gospel and she gave her life to Jesus. Then we prayed for her to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. All her friends were caught in amazement and they too, wanted to have their spiritual reading, which was done by others in the team.

2) A staff from the nearby bar came to take a look at the booth. We told him to sit down for a reading but he said that he had to work. God spoke and we said, “How’s the left side of your lower back? It gives you problem occasionally.” He said, “Yes.” We continued, “Your spine is not straight.”

We proceeded to check and it was confirmed, because his left leg was shorter. We ministered to him and the spine was straighted (with the evidence of both legs now in alignment). He was surprised. We told him about Jesus, but we couldn’t talk more as he had to rush back to the pub to continue his work.

Two SG ladies witnessed the whole thing and they decided to sit and try out the spiritual reading.

3) These two SG ladies sat down. We had WOK for her left shoulder and she said yeah. We told her to hold the card for 10-15 seconds and she was healed.

Then we said, “Since young, you have been brought up in an environment where you had to conform. You have to conform in your behaviours. But that is not who you are. You don’t want boundaries. You are a free bird that wants to be free and explore. Yet you are trapped because your upbringing. In fact, the past two relationships you were in didn’t end well because they wanted you to conform. And that’s not who you are. God has created you differently and He wants you to live out who you really are on the inside.”

She looked at her friend and was surprised because it was spot on. 

Her friend picked one card. We didn’t really look at the card as we usually focused on the Holy Spirit. We said, “There is a gem inside you but you do not know. Because of that, you compare yourself with others, saying, “How I wish I can be like this person and that person.” But God has put that precious gem in you that you need to realize, so that when you look into the mirror, you have full confidence of you.”

She looked at her friend, laughed and said, “We just talked about this during dinner earlier.” They wondered, “What you said isn’t from the cards. Why is that so?” We shared Jesus with them.

4) A China lady came. She drew a card. We had WOK for her left shoulder. Did the same thing using card for healing and she was healed. We saw a ‘bridge’ and said, “You are a great connector. You connect people relationally. In fact, two people can be having disagreement but you will come in and bring them together. You are also very discerning and sharp when it comes to sensing how a person is like. You have high emotional intelligent that enables you to build many relationships.” We added, “You are bold and you take risks. You are not afraid of trying something new. You will step out and do it even if others are not willing.” We saw the word ‘business’ and we said, “You have business ideas in your mind. They are just flowing. This is what you like to do because you cannot be bound by 9-5 office hours. You prefer liberty of time, yet build your finances through business.”

She nodded in agreement throughout the reading and she said, “I’m here in SG for business.” We shared Jesus with her.

5) The team was ministering to two Hindu ladies who seemed to be pretty closed up. One of them demanded the team to give more specific words into her life. We saw the image of a key for spirituality for her friend and we said, “You are a very spiritual person. You seek spirituality. Actually, there was a period when you felt hopeless, which pointed you to seek the spiritual so that you could find hope.”

We added, “And how’s your knee? The left side.” She said, “Why?” We said, “We felt that it’s giving you problem.” She nodded. We ministered healing to her. Then we continued, “You have two kids?” She replied, “Yes...” She was pretty closed up so we didn’t touch that area further.

We saw the word ‘baking.’ Thus, we said, “You are gifted in baking, for God has put that ability in you.” She answered, “That’s a good one.” We continued, “Especially in cakes. That’s what you are really good at.” She nodded in delight and agreement.

We couldn’t share much about Jesus because her friend stood up and wanted to go.

6) Another lady sat down and was being ministered by a few in the team. God spoke and we said, “Your left ankle... is there a problem that comes on and off?” She said “Yes. Comes on and off. And also the left knee.”

We asked her to hold one card for 15 seconds and received healing. She felt tingling on her ankle and knee. We didn’t check on her as we continued to minister in other areas.

We saw a “S” floating on her head. So we said, “There is a big S floating on you.” She was surprised but didn’t reveal what it was until the end. Then God spoke and we said, “You are seeking for peace because you can’t find outside. It’s like a turmoil which you are facing. We saw that you couldn’t sleep at night and you are tossing around on the bed because your mind couldn’t stop thinking and wandering, for there is no peace.” Then we saw a “boomerang” flying around her and we said, “You are trapped in a boomerang cycle. It’s relationships that are repetitive and harmful. That’s the main reason you have no peace.”

She said, “Yes everything is so spot on. I can’t sleep every night and I’m tossing around thinking about the past relationships like a boomerang and I wonder why I am stuck in this cycle. In fact, the letter S is the guy I’m thinking about.”

At the end of our conversation, she was healed in her ankle and knee. She said, “Your intuition is really very sharp. Everything you said is accurate.” We said, “It’s not intuition. It’s Jesus who knows all things and He loves you.” We ministered Shalom into her, so that she could sleep well, and she said, “Wow... there’s so much energy flowing from you...”

We shared the Gospel and talked further. She seemed like she wanted to receive Jesus, but she said, “I’m not someone who changes my belief so quickly. But I will consider.” 

We said, “Don’t worry. You have encountered Him and when you decide to know Him, you can simply receive Him directly.” She said, “I can find peace in a church.” But we said, “You can find peace there, but when you receive Him, peace will no longer be in a building. Peace will be within you because He is with you everywhere you go.”

We didn’t want to push someone to make a decision because we have seen many who made a quick decision to receive Christ, but they just walked in their own ways without Christ after that. Salvation prayer doesn’t save anyone. It’s believing from the heart that one is saved. It must be something a person desires and wants. From what we saw, the lady’s heart had already believed but her mind was stopping her. The mind usually plays catch up with the heart because faith is from the heart.

There were many other testimonies too. What a powerful and amazing night. Jesus!

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