Saturday 15 June 2019

The Power of Peace

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Phil 4:6-7

Peace is a powerful thing. It reveals where we are at. On the other hand, anxiety, worries and unrest also reveal where we are at, for they are opposite of peace.

Everything in the kingdom is received by grace through faith. When we walk in faith, we will have peace. Faith and peace go hand in hand (Romans 5:1).

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. - Isaiah 26:3

When we trust in Him (faith), we have Shalom peace.

In other words, when we have worries, anxiety and fears, we are not walking in faith. Thus, although God has already given us every blessing (Eph 1:3), we cannot receive from Him if we are not walking in faith.

Whichever area that you are walking in faith, you will have peace. The opposite is also true. Whatever area that you have no peace in, you are not walking in faith.

You can only have peace if you have fully surrendered that area to God. It is an indication that you have not surrendered, if there is no peace. And thus, the blessings are 'blocked' in that area.

This is why you find yourself blessed in those areas that you have peace; in those areas that you have surrendered to Him; in those areas where there ain't fears, worries and anxiety.

This is why Phil 4:6-7 talks about peace guarding your heart and mind in Christ. You have not received what you asked for. But when peace surpasses that, you can rest, because if you have peace, it's a matter of time the answer follows.

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