Friday 28 June 2019

Personal Challenging Testimony

Personal Challenging Testimony

I have set my heart to pursue growth in healing and divine health, to walk in everything that Jesus had paid for us to walk in. And what I am sharing here is not a method. Neither is it about how 'good' I did. It's about how good He is and how it is possible for every single believer to walk in it. This is the reason why I wrote the healing manual and gave freely to our local people.

This post is not meant for any condemnation, but about personal risks that I take, for I preach healing and thus, I have to walk in it regardless of my life. My wife does not agree with what I do (and I fully understand that because it's difficult), because she loves me too much to see me giving myself to healing and health. This stuff can be ridiculous in the eyes of many, which is why I couldn't share many personal testimonies in the healing manual.

In the latest episode, I was 'hit' by the enemy two chapters before I completed the healing manual. Little did he expect that I used that as an opportunity to complete the manual way faster than I thought.

I was down with chickenpox. There are alot of beliefs and experiences when people talk about chickenpox. Everyone says that it's extremely itchy or at least, itchy. Most people say that it is extremely bad for adults (since I will be 40 in near future) to have it. It is also believed that everyone will have chickenpox once in a lifetime. I don't believe in any of these. Neither do I believe in taking vaccination to be immunised against chickenpox. I have given myself to trust in Him fully. If I can't walk the talk, then I have no rights to talk the talk.

Two nights before the red spots appeared, I was down with high fever 39.6 (my wife measured me). This carried on for two days. My wife was extremely worried (out of love, of course). She knew that I wouldn't take any medication. But she couldn't hold it any longer. Thus, she sat me down and said, "I don't care. You must take. I'm going to the fridge now to take panadol for you."

She came back in less than three minutes. I said, "No. I'm not taking." She said, "It's way too hot, especially for adults. You don't have a choice." I insisted, "No. I'm not taking." She said, "Fine. I measure one more time to convince you. If it's still high, I will put the panadol into your mouth."

She took the measurement and the thermometer read 36.7. In astonishment, she took two more times and it remained 36.7. Phew. God came through. It was such a challenging moment. Within three minutes, it went from 39.6 to 36.7. She witnessed the power of God first-hand.

Then I said, "The devil is scared." She replied, "No, the devil will want you to take the medicine."

Being witty (ahem....), I got her to repeat that sentence two more times. And she laughed.

When the red spots came out on the next day, she said, "This is chickenpox. Can you go to the doctor to verify?" At first, I didn't want to. But she added, "If it is, you don't want to put your son at risk. You can't go near him until you get it verified."

I haven't visited a doctor for few years. For the sake of verification (cos I didn't want to be separated from my son), I went. Doctor confirmed it's chicken pox. He gave me some medication to prevent it from getting full-blown (which is usually ALOT of spots for adults) and lotion to reduce itchiness. Of course, I put them all aside as 'white elephant' lol. Some suggested that I could quickly go for an injection to prevent the spots from growing. There were probably less than 20 at that point in time.

I put off every medication, injection and suggestions, because I put on the law of the Spirit of Life. While I didn't see instant healing, I saw progressive healing and miracle. Throughout the 'quarantined' period, there was NO itch whatsoever. People were telling me how itchy chickenpox is. I guess I have eaten way too much chicken such that it's not itchy at all (pun and lameness intended). The law of the Spirit of Life can crush every itch.

During the quarantined period of 8-9 days before I was completely cleared, I finished writing the healing manual. What the devil meant for evil, God turned it for good.

The enemy might want to push me to give up and go for doctor's remedy, but little did he realise that he has indirectly pushed me to go even deeper in the area of divine health and to stand even firmer in this area. The healing manual was written in that place of challenge with deeper conviction than ever and it contains truths that surpass experiences.

I think it is tough to be my wife and I really salute her. It is not easy for a woman to bear such worries, especially when she loves me so much. I love her, but I have to walk in the truth on divine health without compromise, so that if a day comes when I need to walk in power and love, I can do it.

Disclaimer: Please go to the doctor if you need. This is not a post to tell you not to go. It is my journey because of the message I carry. I was in the place where doctors couldn't do anything about my incurable sickness and God healed me. This is why I live my life this way and I am still growing day by day.

P.S: Though I was 'hit', I still believe there is a place where you can't get hit (Ephesians 6:16; 1 John 5:18). I'm not there yet, but I'm getting closer by His grace and goodness. Let us fix our eyes on Him, the Author & Finisher of faith. Divine health is FOR every believer, and I'm sharing this so that you get stirred to go after it and not remain status quo.

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