Monday 15 July 2019

The Death of the Law & The Life of Righteousness

Many believers are still interpreting Romans 7 as though it applies to them. Paul was talking about a life without abiding in Christ. Don't forget that he was writing this letter to the Roman Gentiles, as well as the Jews who had returned from exile. He had to end much 'debate' between the Jews and the Gentiles.

Therefore, my brethren, you also have become dead to the law through the body of Christ, that you may be married to another — to Him who was raised from the dead, that we should bear fruit to God. - Romans 7:4

The death of Christ marked the death of the Law (the Old Covenant) while the resurrection of Christ marked the life of Righteousness (the New Covenant). The old 'husband' was dead so that we can be married to the new 'husband'.

The Law was given for the transgressions of men (Gal 3:19). Apart from the Law, sin is dead (Rom 7:8). This means that sin has NO power when there is no law (1 Cor 15:56). The more you want to follow the Law, the more you will sin, because Christianity is not living by your will power. It is living by His power.

Since the Law was fulfilled by Christ (Matt 5:17), He could end it on the Cross (Rom 10:4).

The Law revealed sin (Rom 7:7). But Christ removed sin (Heb 10:11-14) because He came to reveal sons. For sin's power to be removed, He also removed the Law (Heb 10:9).

Since both are removed, you are to become dead to both of them.

This is why the Bible says, " also have become dead to the LAW through the body of Christ..." - Rom 7:4 (emphasis added)

This is why the Bible says, "Reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to SIN, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Rom 6:11 (emphasis added)

The only way to right living is first to be dead to the Law so that we are dead to sin. To live by the Law again is to revive sin, which leads to death (Rom 7:9-10).

We are now married to Christ. So we live by Christ. He is the Way to live right. When we abide in Him (John 15:5), we will bear much fruit. To abide is to 'trust, rest, remain, live, yield, stay, etc.' A branch does nothing to bear fruit except to receive from the vine. He is the vine and we are the branches. If we can receive well from Him, we will automatically bear fruit. 

This is why Christianity is by grace through faith ------ effortless and simple. Why is it so simple and effortless? It is meant to be supernatural. We are meant to live by His power.

This is why Paul ended Romans 7 with ---- "Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!"

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. - Rom 8:2

Since Christ has set us free from the Law, don't go back again to a yoke of slavery (Gal 5:1).

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