Wednesday 30 January 2019


David, at a time of distress when his own family was captured by the enemy and all his men turned bitter against him, strengthened HIMSELF IN THE LORD (1 Sam 30:6).

He encouraged himself in the Lord when nobody encouraged him. This was a man living in Old Covenant reality, who didn’t have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and who couldn’t speak in tongues to edify himself. Yet by Psalming, he encouraged himself and overcame.

Fast forward... the Son of Man came into the world He created but the world did not know Him. They disowned, betrayed, rejected, tortured and crucified Him. Throughout His journey, nobody encouraged Him, even on the Cross. Yet He encouraged Himself in the Father and endured the Cross with JOY.

In the New Covenant reality, we see a man named Paul who was severely persecuted by the Jews. Nobody encouraged him. Yet when he was in chains in prison, he wrote to encourage OTHERS - “Rejoice, I will say it again, Rejoice!” (Phil 4:4)

Jesus is the prototype for us. If not, consider Paul.

If we can strengthen/encourage ourselves in the Lord without depending on anyone to encourage us, we can walk free from discouragement, because no one can discourage us. Jesus!

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