Sunday 27 January 2019

Haji Lane Outreach

Sharing one of the testimonies last Friday...

A lady came and sat at the booth after being ministered by one of the team members for her injured wrist while she was standing. The pain was left with 20%.

We asked, “How’s your wrist now?” She said, “Just a little pain left. But it’s okay.”

We replied, “No. it’s not ok. We go for 100%.” So we ministered to her and she was completely healed. She exclaimed, “This is crazy!”

Then we saw the word “Laura” floating on her head. So we said, “Laura. Does it mean anything to you?”

She screamed, “What! Laura! It means a lot to me. It’s a song that I have been listening and it meant a lot to me.” Then she quickly told her friend (who was standing at one side), “This guy just told me Laura! I only just sat down at the booth! This is crazy!”

Then we added, “We don’t know anything about the song. But Laura meant a lot to you because you identify with the song due to the hurt you experienced.” She nodded her head in excitement.

Then she picked three cards from the Harvest deck. I can’t remember what she chose (need to check through the whole deck of cards to recall). Holy Spirit spoke and we said, “You are an achiever. When you set a goal, you will fulfill it. In fact, you have many achievements because you were never approved since young by your parents. These achievements are ways you feel approved.” She nodded, “So sad but everything you said is true.”

We continued, “Your past few relationships broke down the same way. Because you are seeking approval from the guys and they failed to approve you.” She nodded, “Yes. I always need their approval. Each time when I look to them for approval, the relationship failed.”

We said, “You are wondering if you would get married as you see your peers getting married. But the point is not about marriage. Marriage will still break down if you need that approval from men. There is one Perfect Man who has given you approval and if you know that you are already approved, you won’t be seeking for approval from men. You live not for approval. You live from approval.”

She said, “Who is that Man?”

We shared the message of Christ with her and she said, “Oh yes, I visit churches.” But we said, “Going to church doesn’t make you a believer. Just as going to Mac Donald doesn’t make you a hamburger.” She laughed.

We talked about what it meant to have a personal relationship with the Perfect Man who approved her and live in relationship with Him.

When she understood, she said, “I think I understand. I believe.”

We said, “Believing in your heart is what makes it a reality. Start reading the love letters in the Bible and know Him deeper so that you live from that place.” Without any sinner’s prayer or salvation prayer, she is born again into the kingdom by believing. Jesus!

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