Thursday 10 January 2019

Vision of Unprecedented Harvest

After sending my son to school, I was driving on the road when I saw a vision from the Lord.

Some people say that you need to seek Him at the end of the year for the next calendar year. But we forget that God is not limited to calendar. He exists outside of time. More often than not, a yearly vision is man-made instead of God-given.

“Without vision, people perish.” That phrase has been misused badly. The word ‘vision’ in Hebrew is ‘divine communication in vision’, which is known as the revelation of God. In the Old Covenant, the prophets received prophetic revelation on who God is and His Law, because the people didn’t have the Bible. This explains the second part of Prov 29:18, which is hardly quoted - “But happy is he who keeps the Law.”

Without the knowledge of God, people perish. It is the same as Hosea 4:6.

We are not called to seek a new yearly vision at the end of the year. We are called to seek Him daily! We are called to seek Him and His kingdom (Matt 6:33). God is not bound by calendar year. Instead of giving His people ‘vision casting’, why not give them Him so that they would seek Him for their lives?

Anyway, in the vision that I received when I was driving this morning (I didn’t seek Him for 2019), I saw a banana hung upside down. The skin was already fully peeled, exposing the fruit. Just one touch and the fruit drops to the ground. Then I felt the Lord saying immediately, “There is going to be unprecedented harvest in Singapore. The fruit is so ripened that you will see salvation everywhere in a supernaturally natural and easy way. It’s going to pop up everywhere this year.”

Now this is not like most prophecies where people always say, “God is doing this... God is doing that...” To say that God is doing something is to say that God is NOT doing it when things don’t happen. To credit God for everything is also to discredit Him when things don’t happen. 

We are in partnership with Him. Christ in you is the Hope of glory. God chose to work through you and me. Some things happen because He chose you and you responded to Him. It’s co-labouring because of co-union and communion.

God is not doing something for such harvest. He already did it when He sent the Holy Spirit. It’s not end-time harvest. Apostle Paul was already living in end-time harvest. He was already living in the last days. The early church was already seeing multitudes coming to Christ. Yet today, we still prophesy as though last days are coming. Well, it already DID in the book of Acts!

I believe that this year, the Body of Christ in SG will be so awakened to their identity and authority such that they move in Power and Love to see the unprecedented harvest. It is ready as always. But the Body will be awakened and risen up to see the fruit! Jesus!

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