Sunday 30 September 2018

Salvation Prayer???

Salvation Prayer?

Last night, a young chap in his 20s came to sit down for a reading.

He pulled out the card, “Blessing for a battle that cannot be avoided.”

We first asked, “Do you have any injury that didn’t recover?”

He said, “I have two slipped discs and my back is still hurting.”

We ministered to him. His spine was straightened. We asked, “Can you do something that you can’t do before?”

He said, “I can’t bend and touch my toes.”

We said, “Try it.”

He was shocked when he could bend and touched his toes twice.

We said, “There is angst and strife in the family.” He nodded.

“It has to do with your father.” He answered, “You are right.”

We added, “You have a total of three siblings including you. Two brothers and one sister.”

He said, “That’s very creepy.”

“You are the one who is always left out because your father favours your sister. This is the battle within that you struggle with. Nevertheless, God is going to restore the relationship between you and your father.”

We shared Christ with him. He told us that he went to church many times and was even baptised because of family, but he never believed in God. In addition, he had said the salvation prayer many times.

We looked at him and responded, “It’s not about praying the salvation prayer. It’s about believing. It’s not about how many times you have prayed the salvation prayer. Because it has nothing to do with what you say. It’s simply about believing from your heart who Christ is.”

He finally understood, but he’s not ready. We asked him to read the Gospel of John and find out who Jesus is so that he can believe from his heart. 

I believe he is on his way to the kingdom.

It is presumptuous to think that leading people to receive Jesus with a salvation prayer means that the person really believes Christ as the Messiah who forgave all their sins and that He is the only God.

We have encountered so many times where people who said the salvation prayer didn’t know what they were saying. Neither did they really believe Jesus as the only God.

By the way, there is no salvation prayer in the Bible. It’s about believing in Him. Period.

Maybe we should stop leading people to Christ. Instead, GIVE them the reality and the knowledge of Christ so that they can believe Him. #newageoutreach #xperiential

Saturday 29 September 2018

Stopping For One Person

There were many powerful testimonies during our New Age outreach in August. My heart is so full encountering this one.

One of the team members approached a guy who was strolling along that street. She invited him to come to the spiritual reading booth. He agreed.

As he sat down, we saw a vision of him trying to kill himself (commit suicide). We waited for him to draw a card first.

The card was ‘Blessing for Protection’. And we said, “You almost died because of the decision you made, but God preserved your life and protected you.”

His eyes became watery. He paused in silent, before saying, “How did you know? I actually attempted to commit suicide. I was going to jump down but there was a voice in my mind saying, ‘Don’t do it.’”

We said, “That’s the voice of God. His name is Jesus. He loves you and He is the One who protected you and preserved your life, because you are much more valuable than you know.”

He was going to cry... We shared the whole Gospel with him. He was almost going to receive Jesus, but due to his monotheistic belief, he said, “I need abit more time to process this.”

If we simply say “would you like to accept this Jesus?” without sharing the whole Gospel, I’m sure he will just receive in ignorance. The whole point of the Gospel is not to get someone to ignorantly say the so-called salvation prayer and think that he is saved. This is why we produce a feel-good Christianity. Everyone will say that they want Jesus unless we present the full Gospel. It is then that they realise receiving Jesus also means denying other gods, acknowledging the need for a Saviour because of sins and the reason for the Cross.

We told that guy, “Sure. Please do.” And we ministered to his left knee because God spoke. He went, “Wow. How did you know? I just had the problem yesterday.”

We chatted further. Before he left, he gave us a big tight hug.

The seed had been sown. I’m sure he walked away knowing the God of Love who encountered him and saved his life because He valued him. The Holy Spirit will grow the seed in him until he is ready to exchange his life with His life. When that happens, he will not be a feel-good Christian. He will be a steadfast and immoveable soldier that marches on relentlessly in the Kingdom. Jesus! 

Stopping for one person may change his life forever. You never know how one word from heaven can change the course of someone’s destiny. Look out for someone to bless when you go about your daily life. #xperiential #newageoutreach

Interested to know how you, too, can walk in this kingdom lifestyle? Sign up now for the School of Power and Love! Limited seating capacity. #powerandlove2018

Real Estate Encounter

Three years ago, I did door knocking at a HDB estate during the Christmas season.

A lady found my property sharing pertinent to her, so she invited me to enter her house to discuss further. I discovered that she bought a sales of balance unit, thus her MOP was three years later (2018) than the units in the same estate. Nevertheless, I continued with my presentation. As she was going through a rough patch, she briefly poured out her heart to me. Her ex-hubby had left her to single-handedly raise up their son.

I ministered to her and gave her a prophetic word through prayer, even though she isn’t a believer. She kept tearing up as the Spirit reached out to her soul. She texted me on the following day that the prayer was the best gift she received for that Christmas.

Three years later, she contacted me. We just met up few days ago. She said, “I held on to the vision (prophetic word) you gave me three years ago. That gave me strength to carry on. When my unit reached MOP, the first property agent I had in mind is you, because you are not a typical agent who is only concerned with selling my unit. I will always remember that powerful prayer.”

We met at 9pm, but we conversed till 1.30am. I had to interrupt her so that I could text my wife to let her know where I was, for accountability purpose.

This lady, who is reaching her 50, shared her life journey and many challenging issues that she both faced and is facing. Spoke into her life and ministered to her spinal problem as the Spirit revealed. Her spine was straightened by the grace of God. She teared up as she encountered His Presence. Jesus!

I believe she is not far from the Kingdom.

My wife asked, “Why do you always connect well with older women?”

I replied, “I married one. Because my wisdom surpasses my years.” 🤣🤣🤣

Joke aside... I love my job as a real estate agent. Because I get to manifest His kingdom in the marketplace. I count it a privilege to be able to offer intangible value on top of the tangibles. #lifestylechristianity101

Thursday 20 September 2018

The Steps of The Righteous In The Kingdom

The Bible is full of handles for life, but it doesn't show you the steps of the handles.

The reason is simple. It is so that we can depend on the One who has all the handles. Parables are not explicit on purpose, because only those who seek Him in relationship will discover the answers to the parables.

God, in His wisdom, has authored His book for relationship. This is why we can read the same passage over and over again, yet receive different revelations at different junctures. And because each of us is a unique individual with a unique relationship with Him, we receive differently from Him even though we read the same passage.

Some people say that the Bible is 'Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth.' I beg to differ. It is not an instruction manual. It is a relational manual that points to the One who desires to have relationship with us. If it is an instruction manual, anyone can use it and achieve the same result. But it is obviously not. It all depends on relationship.

As Singaporeans, we love to have an instruction manual. We love to know the steps. We love handles. They give us clear-cut directions. They show us the way to go. Our culture has trained us that way. Our education has ingrained this long-standing attitude in us. As a result, it takes a longer time for us to obey the voice of the Lord. It takes greater effort for us to step out in faith, and at times, to take risks for the Kingdom.

I understand about handles. I understand about instruction manual. But more often than not, we rely on them MORE than the One who is the original Author. We choose the easy way out. We choose one that doesn't require faith. Neither does it necessitate us to step out into uncharted waters. We are so systematic that it becomes problematic in the Kingdom.

We don't realise that we have the ability to skip or rather, fast forward the steps in an instruction manual, because we are at different stages in life. For some of us, we don't even read any step in an instruction manual to operate a system. We rely on gut feeling.

The Kingdom is not by methods or steps. The Kingdom is in the realm of the Spirit and where the Spirit is, there is liberty (not just in identity, but also in the way we function). In other words, there are different paths to reach the destination.

A GPS shows you different routes to reach the end point. But the point is... there are different routes. Of course, there is always a fastest route calculated by the GPS. Even if we miss that route by making a wrong turn, the GPS will automatically re-calibrate to find the next fastest route. Our role as the driver is to align ourselves with the GPS.

The shortest route may not necessary be the fastest route. There are various reasons:

- Traffic condition due to peak periods
- Number of traffic junctions
- Traffic accident (which you can't plan for it)

Similarly, in the kingdom, there is no one fixed route to the destination. Everyone is unique in the eyes of the Lord. An earthly father never parents every child in the same way. What is true in the natural is sometimes also true in the spiritual. God the Father never fathers us all in the same way. For some, He has to take them through a longer journey. For some, it is shorter.

Analogous to the GPS, a shorter journey does not necessary mean a faster journey. The process depends alot on trust (and other factors) - where trust is the key foundation in our relationship with Him. Obedience is a by-product of how much we trust Him. You cannot tell someone to obey, unless he has first learnt to trust. In other words, one has to know how good and faithful the loving Father is, before he can trust and obey.

Our role as His unique child is to constantly align ourselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit (aka GPS).

Jesus Himself did not have a fixed procedure to reach the Cross. He did not know when He should reveal to His disciples unless the Father showed Him the time (Matt 16:17). He was constantly in communion with the Father and aware of the external signs.

The disciples of Jesus in the book of Acts did not have any fixed manual, other than the Old Testament Scriptures and the Holy Spirit.

Today, we rely more on books, seminars, conferences, big speakers, than the Bible and the Holy Spirit.

The Ancient One hasn't changed His stand on the Ancient Scriptures and the Ancient Ghost. Just because we are living in the contemporary world with technological advancement and urbanisation does not mean that we are progressive in the Kingdom. In fact, many of us are considered backward in the Kingdom and a small handful are in the process of returning to the original Way of the Ancient of Days.

The steps of the God-pursuing ones follow firmly in the footsteps of the Lord. - Ps 37:23 (TPT)

It is the footsteps of the Lord, not the footsteps of men.

Thursday 6 September 2018

Enter Into His Rest OR Disobey Him

Enter Into His Rest OR Disobey Him

Therefore let us be diligent to enter that rest, so that no one will fall, through following the same example of disobedience. - Heb 4:11

I have read this verse countless of times, but it was until now that this jumps out at me.

The word ‘diligent’ in Greek means ‘to make haste, to make every effort’. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon uses ‘exert oneself, endeavor’. Some scholars find a direct link between ‘spoudazo’ (Greek word for diligent) and ‘pistis’ (Greek word for faith).

Heb 4:2-3 - For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with FAITH in those who heard it. For we who have believed do enter that REST... (emphasis added)

To be diligent to enter that rest also means that it requires faith to enter. Diligence and faith are often interlinked.

Why do we need to exert ourselves and be extremely eager to enter into that rest? Why do we need to be quick and make every effort to enter into that rest?

“ that no one will fall, through following the same example of disobedience.” - Heb 4:11

Failing to enter into that rest results in disobedience. The Israelites experienced that. Where faith isn’t, disobedience is. These two cannot co-exist. We will always disobey Him if we don’t put our faith to enter that rest.

What exactly is that rest?

And God rested on the seventh day from all His works”; and again in this place: “They shall not enter My rest.” - Heb 4:4-5

For the Israelites, it had to do with the finished works of creation. They didn’t trust that God had finished and provided for everything they needed. They didn’t put their faith in Him. They didn’t enter His rest. As a result, they tried everything on their own efforts and disobeyed Him.

For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. - Heb 4:10

For us, it has to do with the finished works of Redemption.

If someone’s master art piece was finished, you stop trying to add yours to it (regardless of how creative you are).

The Cross is God’s master art piece. When Jesus cried, “It is finished!”, the works of redemption were complete. From then on, God ceased from His works.

Today, we are still trying to rely on our own effort when things don’t turn out the way we expect. We can’t rest when the situations don’t change. This IS DISOBEDIENCE because we TRY instead of TRUST.

If we do not make every effort and be quick to enter into His rest (finished works of Christ), if we are not extremely eager to put our faith in Him, we will follow the example of the Israelites in disobedience.

The Cross is not an event for us to believe and get saved. If that is true, we will continue to live the way we think is good. The Cross is the only Way for us to believe and live in. We need to rest in it and rest through it.

If we don’t begin and stay in what He had finished, then we are finished. The Christian Life is not a ‘strive’. It is a ‘REST’.

For whatever you are facing, ENTER into His REST.

Sunday 2 September 2018

Stopping For One Person

Stopping For One Person

There were many powerful testimonies during our recent New Age outreach. My heart is so full encountering this one.

One of the team members approached a guy who was strolling along that street. She invited him to come to the spiritual reading booth. He agreed.

As he sat down, we saw a vision of him trying to kill himself (commit suicide). We waited for him to draw a card first.

The card was ‘Blessing for Protection’. And we said, “You almost died because of the decision you made, but God preserved your life and protected you.”

His eyes became watery. He paused in silent, before saying, “How did you know? I actually attempted to commit suicide. I was going to jump down but there was a voice in my mind saying, ‘Don’t do it.’”

We said, “That’s the voice of God. His name is Jesus. He loves you and He is the One who protected you and preserved your life, because you are much more valuable than you know.”

He was going to cry... We shared the whole Gospel with him. He was almost going to receive Jesus, but due to his monotheistic belief, he said, “I need abit more time to process this.”

If we simply say “would you like to accept this Jesus?” without sharing the whole Gospel, I’m sure he will just receive in ignorance. The whole point of the Gospel is not to get someone to ignorantly say the so-called salvation prayer and think that he is saved. This is why we produce a feel-good Christianity. Everyone will say that they want Jesus unless we present the full Gospel. It is then that they realise receiving Jesus also means denying other gods, acknowledging the need for a Saviour because of sins and the reason for the Cross.

We told that guy, “Sure. Please do.” And we ministered to his left knee because God spoke. He went, “Wow. How did you know? I just had the problem yesterday.”

We chatted further. Before he left, he gave us a big tight hug.

The seed had been sown. I’m sure he walked away knowing the God of Love who encountered him and saved his life because He valued him. The Holy Spirit will grow the seed in him until he is ready to exchange his life with His life. When that happens, he will not be a feel-good Christian. He will be a steadfast and immoveable soldier that marches on relentlessly in the Kingdom. Jesus! 

Stopping for one person may change his life forever. You never know how one word from heaven can change the course of someone’s destiny. Look out for someone to bless when you go about your daily life. #xperiential #newageoutreach

Interested to know how you, too, can walk in this kingdom lifestyle? Sign up now for the School of Power and Love! Limited seating capacity. #powerandlove2018

Saturday 1 September 2018

Faith Is...

Faith is not a hit or miss. It is the Way of Life. If we fix our eyes on the Author and the Finisher of faith, who is unchanging, then faith is unchanging, unwavering, unshakeable, steadfast and immovable.

We are in a war between two kingdoms. By His Grace, I learnt to war years ago when I had an incurable autoimmune disease. The war has nothing to do with our strength. It has to be based on His finished works. If we don’t stay where He finished, we are finished.

The enemy knows that, and he’s trying his best to get us move from our victory ground. Apostle Paul said, “After you have done all, to stand.” It means that we are to stand firm and stay in the finished works of Christ. That’s faith.

For past two years or so, I was warring (staying in faith) against an affliction. I didn’t know the cause. Neither did I need to know. I didn’t visit any doctor. Neither did I do research on the internet to find out what the symptoms point to.

At least once to twice a week, I would have blurry & double visions, followed by severe headache. At times, the headache was so severe that I had to stop every activity and rest.

I didn’t share with anyone. Only my wife knew. For I had intended to war against it.

Throughout these two years, I continued to minister to the sick and saw them healed. If you are sick, minister to the sick. It doesn’t make us become hypocrites or make us feel condemned. It makes us true believers (Mark 16:17-18). I learnt that my identity has nothing to do with the affliction.

Occasionally, the carnal mind would speak. It sounded exactly like your own voice but it’s actually demonic in nature —— it comes from the enemy.

“Why don’t you just pop a panadol and resolve that?”

“Why don’t you go and see a doctor and find out what’s wrong?”

“You know what? It could be a brain tumour.”

I learnt that the spiritual mind doesn’t speak that way. So each time when I experienced the blurry visions or pain, or the voice from the carnal realm, I immediately turned it to thanksgiving. I thanked God that His finished works are finished and I’m so glad to be His son. I thanked Him for my identity, who I am in Him and who He is to me. I thanked Him for the Body and the Blood —- divine life and health.

It’s a war. But faith is unchanging and it doesn’t give up. It doesn’t strive and work. It rests on the goodness and faithfulness of God. For He is SO GOOD to you and me.

I don’t set my eyes on what I do not see visibly. I set my eyes on what I see invisibly —- Jesus Christ.

Faith is not a try. It is a far cry from a try. It is not a method which you apply and see if it works. If that is faith, then we are subjected to life circumstances, and vulnerable to the prince of the power of the air.

Faith is... the Way of Life. What does the symptoms have to do with my crucified life in Him? More often than not, we allow what we see (pain and circumstances) to overwhelm what He sees. We let what we are going through overwhelm what Christ has gone through. To seek first His kingdom includes letting what He went through take priority in our lives. My life is not my own. Jesus said that if we lose our lives for Him, we will find it. That encompasses looking beyond our own affliction. For the war is between the two kingdoms and it is nothing personal.

Then... I did not know when and I did not know how. This phrase seems to be quite common in my life when it comes to personal healing. I did not know when and I did not know how, but every symptom has left. I have not experienced anything for more than one or two months. Healing is real, so is Jesus!

Disclaimer: I am not advocating that anyone should not see a doctor or specialist. Neither am I telling anyone not to take medicine or carry on with the doctor’s prescription. In addition, I’m not saying that you should not ask fellow brothers and sisters to minister healing to you. We are one Body and we should support and encourage one another. My testimony is NOT a method for anyone to copy. It doesn’t ever work that way. Faith cannot be reduced to a method. I have my own personal conviction to war this thing, because I preach healing without compromise.

This sharing is meant to encourage us to look to the finished works of Christ in the midst of our trials. Jesus loves you. He is FOR you and He wants you healed. He doesn’t ever change His mind.

Keep on keeping on. Jesus! #healing