Monday 28 May 2018

Ingrown Toenail Healed

More than one week ago, I woke up with pain on my left big toe. I pressed the nail a little and blood came out. Unknown to me, the toenail had actually pierced into my flesh. This was unbelievable because I never had ingrown toenail issue since I was born --- about 18 years ago.

The first thing I did was to command the nail to be healed. Alright, let me be honest and share the complete story instead of only sharing the faith-filled response (which we often like to do so) that caused many to be inspired but none to be helped.

I did what I knew how in commanding/releasing healing, but to no avail. Each step I took felt uncomfortable due to the ingrown toenail which was piercing into the flesh. After two days with no improvement, a little fear came into my heart - "Man, I have heard so many going for surgery to remove the toenail. What if..." The carnal mind is indeed death, but the spiritual mind is life and peace. You will be surprised how the enemy throws thoughts into your mind ---- the carnal mind.

I went to Google about this issue --- the very thing that I consistently told my wife NEVER EVER TO DO SO for any kind of symptom, because the end point would always be fear. I read the cause and effects of ingrown toenail and praise God, indeed more fear came into my heart. Outwardly, I was commanding the pain to go and toenail to be healed. Inwardly, I had opened door for doubt to enter by googling. I even looked at home remedies for ingrown toenail because I rather die than going for surgery. In my mind, I was going, "How can this be possible? 36 years already... I mean 18 years since I was born... I never had this issue. How did it ever happen?"

When seemingly faith-filled prayers didn't work, I tried to soak my foot in warm water (home remedy) but I failed to pull/lift the nail up with a dental floss. The end result - even more blood came out.

So I began to thank Him, "Jesus, I thank You for Your blood. Your Body removed sin from me but Your Blood removed me from sin. You redeemed me to the beginning. It is just as if I have never ever sinned before. You look at me as if You are looking at Christ - perfect, blameless, holy and righteous. And if I have never sinned before, I don't have to suffer any effects and consequence of sin, which include ingrown toenail. I have been redeemed from this. I thank You that I'm not trying to be healed. By Your stripes, I have been and I remain healed and well."

And I rested from prayers, because prayers do not move any mountain. It's believing that does. When I rested, I also believed. Persistent prayers can result in persistently focusing on the problem, instead of resting in His goodness. Pray if you need, but once you have that rest, stop and simply believe. This is the peace that surpasses all understanding.

On the following day, when I pressed the toenail, no blood came out except soreness and discomfort. Then I did not know if it was the third or fourth day, everything was gone. I pressed against it and there was no pain.

Today, it is about one week and I'm thankful that I'm completely healed and the toe nail has suddenly shifted to grow properly, by His grace. Jesus! #Ilovesuddenlies #Heisgood #sameyesterdaytodayandforever

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