Monday 7 May 2018

Your Body Is Healing

Your Body Is Healing

Last night, it took J close to an hour to sleep. From the moment he lay on the bed, he had been coughing non-stop for more than 45 minutes. I ministered to him twice with no result.

He prayed for himself a couple of times, saying, "In Jesus' name, no more cough. Amen", but to no avail.

He complained a couple of times, "Mama, I can't sleep because of the cough." 

Finally, my wife went out of the room in search of past cough medicine. It was during this moment when I heard God saying, "Ask J to lie on your chest, for your body is the Body of Christ that releases healing."

So I said, "J, lie on Papa." He came over and lay on my chest. Within the first minute, he coughed once. And there was NO MORE cough!

By the time my wife came back (without the medicine as she couldn't find), J was sound asleep. He slept through the whole night without any cough.

If we are the Body of Christ, our body releases healing. It is not just whomever we lay our hands on, it is also whoever touches our body shall be healed. Jesus! #miracle #bodyofChrist

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